Reports: sharing requirements to @mention in comments
I often run reports to gather specific teams' data across multiple schedules into one easy-to-access place. I realized recently that report users cannot @mention people in comments, even if those peo…3 · -
Re: @ people within WorkApps commenting
I've build many team-specific reports and WorkApps to help filter information as much as possible. What I would hope is that people could interact with any report in the WorkApp the same way they wou…2 · -
Determining if a task can start based on predecessor status
I would like a way — without using multiple formulas and additional columns — to indicate that all predecessors are complete and a task can begin. Right now I have "past due" reports that a…14 · -
Re: Control Center: New Admin Permissions levels
There is a need for two distinct Admin permissions levels if Control Center is in play: A Control Center Admin level with its current permissions (to avoid affecting/breaking Control Center functiona…2 · -
Organizing Files/Pages in WorkApp - Headers and Sections
I would love to be able to better organize my left-hand navigation panel in WorkApps so it looks less like a dump of pages and more like a mini-website nav panel. Perhaps being able to add a "he…30 ·