Save as new//100 sheet limit - work around?
Hi - Does anyone have a workaround for this? I have a client where i have stripped the workspace back to around 150 sheets - they need to be able to replicate this workspace. I'm getting the same err…1 · -
Re: Split Text to Columns Using Formula?
Hi, This is how I achieved the results you are requesting: * Add 2 columns, with the following formulas per column * =LEFT([Column6]2, FIND(":", [Column6]2) - 1) * =RIGHT([Column6]2, LEN([C…4 · -
API Conditional Formatting
Hi - It sure would be nice to have the ability to update conditional formatting via the API. I see a thread from 2016 - is this something that the dev team could look at? Many Thanks, Sean2 · -
Re: Data Mesh Sync
Yep, i'm running into the same issue! According to https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2476796-get-started-smartsheet-data-mesh - Smartsheet DataMesh provides lookup functionality between sheets and…1 ·