Project resource Allocation for multiple time/allocation percentage for a single resource
When a project ABC need to be allocated to a resource XYZ with multiple allocations in a year, we need to do it multiple times. Would like to do this in a single allocation. Eg. Allocate 20% in Jan, …1 · -
Display Allocation percentage in time and hours report
The reports run in time and hours display incurred hrs. We do allocation as percentage of a resource time. Can we have the allocation percentage added in the report?. I am able to calculate the perce…1 · -
Request to add percent incurred in Time and Fees Hours report
We do not track timesheet or expenses in Smartsheet Resource Allocation. We allocate time in percent for resource allocation. But the reports show incurred hrs only. Can we add the allocation percent…1 · -
Advanced reporting data not matching with analytics data in Resource Mangement
We use the advanced reporting in Smartsheet Resource Management to pull realtime data into the Smartsheet dashboard. In the time and hours advanced report that we pull in, the data is repeating 5 tim…2 · -
Allow Resource List and Project List in Analytics page in Smartsheet Resource Management
We pull information from the Analytics advanced reporting into the Smartsheet Dashboard. Currently the resource and projects information can be exported into a spreadsheet, but cannot be generated th…1 ·