Hello, I am trying to create an IF(AND) statement, but I cannot figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to write a formula that will check the "at risk" if the the "done" column is not checked and the due date is 7 days before today.
COUNTIFS on 2 check box columns, 1 checked, 1 unchecked
I am trying to write a formula for a sheet summary where an "Over Due" check box is checked (driven by a due date column), and a "Done" check box is not checked... =COUNTIFS([Over Due]:[Over Due], 1, Done:Done, 0) #Invalid Operation... I originally tried to run a countifs based on Done = 0, and Due Date < TODAY, but…
Summary Count of Status by Assigned Person
I have been racking my brain for a bit to figure out a formula for a summary sheet that will give me a count of each status (not started, in progress, complete, at risk) by the user assigned. I am trying to pull this information from my project sheet. I have a summary count for each status but I cannot seem to add the…
#Boolean Expected? #Invalid Operation? I can't win for losing
I thought I was quite brilliant when I figured out that the reason a formula I created in a checkbox only column returned a #BOOLEAN EXPECTED error. I solved the problem by appending +"" to the end of my formula, and celebrated with a fun sized Snickers. Imagine my disappointment, when I tried to create a new formula that…
Formulas with Drop-down Multi-Select Column
Hi there! I have been using the new functionality of the "Drop-down Multi-select" column and I am trying to capture all of the different combinations that can be selected within the column. The column is supposed to capture the root cause of an issue and the person working on the issue is able to select multiple root…
Formula to return parent row for current week
Hi community, I'm attempting to find a formula that will return the parent row where the end date is equal to the current week. I have created a helper column that calculates the current week number. Now the question is what to do with it to get the result I want. Any ideas on formulas to use? I'm leaning toward…
Trend sheet - saving data after it's captured from another sheet
Hi, how do I save data in a sheet to retain for a trend chart? I have a burndown sheet that I've built a line chart to display on a dashboard. I'm able to get the data, however, due to the Today() function, it will only pull the data on that day and as the day passes, it wipes the data. I've had to go into the sheet on…
Formula for summing the value in one column when it matches another column
I'm looking to put a formula together that will look at the values of one column and then grab the count in a corresponding and return the total value as they match. Example: I have a formula sheet that pulls in project phases and the number of risks by priority for each project. What I'm looking to do is total up the…
Can Smartsheet Count Dates?
I have tasks in each month and want to count those tasks within each month in my metrics section. Here's my formula to calculate February tasks: =COUNTIFS([End Date]:[End Date], ">=02/1/19", [End Date]:[End Date], "<=02/28/19") In Excel this works, in Smartsheet I get a 0, but have tasks within those dates. Help!?!
Flag By Date Column 6 Weeks or Greater in the Past
Hi, We have an order intake sheet that has an "Order Date" column and a Status Column. One of the ten selectable statues is "Complete" What is the formula that I can use in a flag column to say - Flag any with an Order date 6 WEEKS OR GREATER, and Status NOT EQUAL to Complete? Thank you so much in advance! Jared