Trending in Formulas and Functions
Row with Multiple drop down choices and creating a summary
We have a Column on our Sheet which is a drop down list however more than one can be picked? Is there a way to as a summary to look for that field so that it sums it up? Below are 2 which are in a row and chosen from the drop down When we do the summary we would like this to be counted in both the IT Operations and Infra…
Zero value to return blank cell
I want to tweak the below formula to return a blank cell if the value is zero: =SUMIFS({Small Projects Value}, {Small Projects Client}, [Primary Column]@row, {Small Projects Status}, OR(@cell = "Projected", @cell = "Schedule", @cell = "Not Started"), {Small Projects Start}, AND(IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = 9,…
Next Expense Date Formula
I need to create a formula that will find the next expense date based off 3 other column categories. The columns and their categories are as follows: Due Date (single date when expense is due), Program ( Men, Women), and Budget Impact (Income, Expense). For this formula I need to find and return the next expense date from…