Counting the Number of times certain text appears in a Column
Hello! I need assistance to create Sheet Summary items to count all of the instances where certain Unit Code(s) is listed in a column. Some codes can be combined with others (C1 + C2) vs by themselves (C2). So, to start I need to count the number of times Unit Code "C2" is listed/mentioned. Eventually I will also need to…
Sumifs - Cross Sheet Reference Range Movement
I am working on a calculation where one sheet has month on month cost for a year in columns. i.e. Jan Cost, Feb Cost, Mar Cost etc. in sequential order. In another sheet, I am doing some calculations to prepare the category wise costs based on the first sheet. For each month, all the conditions are same except for the sum…
Issue with Linking out to other sheets in our workspace
I have had a problem today trying to create a link a cell to another sheet. When we try to create the link there is an error message; I have tried logging in and out again. both sheets are in the same workspace and there are similar links through the sheet more than one user in my business has had this issue with a number…
Need help to modify the given formula.
Hi, I and trying to write following formula where first it is checking the row ID and then matching content in the other column in the same row and returning the incremental value, but it is throwing #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET error. =IF({WorkOrder#} >= 1, INDEX("TD"), MATCH(({WorkOrder#} >= 1), {WorkOrder#}), 0) Prajna
Summarising Data as a Metric
We run many projects using smartsheet, each project has a seperate sheet and always adding more. We would like a metric on a dashboard to show the number of x tasks due (i.e. shop drawings or site measure) It is easy enough to count this on a single sheet using sheet summaries, but as you can't select metrics from multiple…
Finding the earliest date from Children based on the status in other column
Hi all, I'm trying to find the earliest (Min) date from children based on the value in a different column. So if the value in Asset Status column is not "Completed", "Cancelled" or "On Hold", then consider those children and then find the earliest date(min) from them. The column where I'm trying to find the earliest date…
Sumifs for Multi Select Drop Down
I have a column that is setup as multi select. I would like use sumifs but only sum the 1 item from the multi select. Do I use an OR statement? For example: column 1 is called task type, 1 row has outdoor, indoor, flooring; column 2 is called hours worked and the value is 4. The calculation would only add 4 not 4+4+4=12.…
count the value of the drop down selections
in a sheet I 3 separate fields that have values associated with the drop down selection: Example: Column Headings: Sales Prep Sales Presentation 0 - not prepared 0 - Rep did not show 1 - Basic info 1 - Good presentation 2 - Well prepared 2. Excellent now I want to count the selection in a total Demo Score field Example:…
Trouble with VLOOKUP - pulling from first row, not column
I'm using the VLOOKUP for the first time to pull webinar times in from another sheet for webinar registrations automatically so we don't have to add those manually before a workflow sends meetings links out to registrants. I'd also like to use it for webinar dates if I can get it to work. My issue is that even though I've…
Using custom value for auto-number in primary field.
I read an old post that said use =[Row ID]1 to copy an automated sequence number in to the field specified. I want more that than just 1,2,3. I would prefer V00001, V00002 etc.. to increment for each new row. Is that possible?