Trending in Formulas and Functions
If cell is blank
=IF([Audit Due]@row < TODAY(), 1, 0) if the Audit due is blank I want the the answer to be 0. How would I write this formula?
Total invoiced within a date range
Hello, in my example attached we are looking to incrementally add the "PO total amount" invoiced as we will add more rows. We need to add for the first quarter so dates going from 1/1/25 to 3/31/25….we are trying to use that formula but not working: =SUMIFS([PO total amount]:[ PO total amount], [PO’s date]:[ PO’s date],…
If Statement with Multiple Factors
Hello, Sorry for needing additional formula help. For the HTN Kit Helper, I need to it either display Blood Pressure Kit with the Educational Language Helper, except if BP cuff helper is Extra Large Cuff I need it to only display "Extra Large Cuff" in the HTN Kit Helper column =IF([CK Type Helper]@row = "Blood Pressure…