Reports completely changed...?
Overnight, it appears that Reports have changed. My team can no longer edit previously created reports, even with Admin access! In addition, when creating a new report, I now have to choose between "row report" and "sheet summary report". Neither of them work correctly; none of the columns from the source sheet are pulling…
Sum of Child Rows - Linked Text
Hi all! Hoping the community can help me w/this one. I have a database in which various quantities of part numbers are listed based on what model the system is, etc. Each of the quantities is display text (a number, i.e. "6") w/a hyperlink to the listing of the part itself in a different sheet. I'm trying to sum up each…
Include a subset of a grid in gantt view
Hi! I have a grid that is a project plan with start and end dates. I want to display a section of it in gantt view on a dashboard. I accomplished this by creating a report first. Is there a way to do it directly from the original grid - to somehow say "include all lines that start with the letters PHX" or something like…
Date Submission in Form
Hello! We have a form that is collecting a Date Submitted. For the date drop-down in the form, is there a way to disable dates that are before today's date? We don't want the user to be able to select a day that pre-dates today's date.
Not Counting Blank cells in Checkbox formula
Hi All, desperately need your help on this one. I've been searching the forums and tried this formula so many different ways and cannot get it to work. :( I have checkbox formula that is simple enough, I want it to check the box if we met the delivery date that was planned. So I'm comparing delivery date planned vs.…
Enable Confirmation Email: Add Asterisk
In order to continue the good work you've done on Forms UX, I suggest that when a user checks "Send me a copy of my responses," the form's subsequent "Email address" field label could be followed by a red asterisk, similar to all other required fields on the form. The client-side error-checking is nice with its red border…
How to resubscribe on an automated workflow
One of the users mistakenly unsubscribed from the workflow email notification, how can they be subscribed again to this particular workflow?
URL method to send information directly into a Smartsheet?
(Total noob with SmartSheets) I’m using Smartsheet URLs in an LMS training course at the end for feedback and suggestions. Currently we construct the link inside the course and it opens a web form when clicked with some of the fields pre-filled in based on user info from our LMS. It’s good to insure they don't have to type…
How can I display unique lines only on a dashboard with 2 attributes?
I have a dashboard/report where I want to show a list of our projects as long as the project name is unique, and the country is unique. For example, in the attached image, I would want the lines highlighted in pink to not show, as they are duplicates of both project and country. I want it to ignore anything like flavour,…
Hello,l Im using a simple formula to divide 2 cells, however the forula is showing its dividing by zero in every single cell so im attempting to use an ISBLANK formula so that the formula does not show. See the screenshot below. My forumula is originally.... =[Current Presale Total]8 / [Week in Presales]8 Then i tried...…