Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Index IF formula for data in Row bases on Column data

Essentially I’m trying to move rows and its data from a master sheet to a separate sheet based on the yes/no answered on a cell within the row. I keep getting #unparseable. Possibly make it automatic transfer.

I am unable to use the Automation workflow due to formulas and cross references etc.

thank you


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Marielitos can you share your formula as well as some screenshot?

    Melissa Yamada
    Data made simple, spreadsheets reimagined

  • The information is in a source sheet, I have a column with YES/NO, the only rows i want to to get copy are the rows with YES in that column.

    The destination sheet is the same but I need the rows and its info to get copied automatically if the column contain the YES.

    INDEX/MATCH formula with an IF statement to conditionally return the data: =IF([Column with "Yes/No" value]@row = "Yes", INDEX([Sheet Name]::[Range of data to copy], MATCH(@row, [Sheet Name]::[Column to match against], 0), 1), ""). 

    Im not sure if I need to do a continuous formula to transfer information just from some columns or is it easier to just do the entire row.

    Thank you

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Marielitos

    If you're going through the path of using formulas, you'll need to create the formula on each column on your destination sheet. Also, I think you'd want to use INDEX/COLLECT functions instead of the INDEX/MATCH since you have the criteria of Yes/No.

    So something like this for every column:

    =INDEX(COLLECT({Column X},{Unique Identifier},[Unique Identifier]@row,{YES/NO Column},"Yes"),1)

    Another easier way is just to do the automation and copy the row when the Yes/No column is equal to "Yes". Formulas and cross sheet references won't be copied over to your destination sheet only the values/ data will be copied over.

    Melissa Yamada
    Data made simple, spreadsheets reimagined

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