Hey friends, I am trying to create a column that ranks (without duplicates) the results of a PIVOT configuration. The PIVOT config produces the SUM of rental dollars spent, in column "Grand Total-SUM 💲 Total Rental $ Amount {H}" respective to each listed equipment type, in column "⚠️Cat-Class Description". I'd like to rank…
Feature Request - Dashboard Line Chart Colour Change
Good Morning, Firstly, the rebrand of the dashboards is fantastic - I had raised this as a feature request late last year and am so excited to use the new background colours and widget colours. Really good - thank you and thank you for listening to user requests :) I do have a further request if I may? On a line chart, the…
View "Today" line in Gantt on Dashboard
In a Report, I see a vertical line for "today's date" on the Gantt Chart. However, when the report is dropped onto a Dashboard, the vertical line is not displayed. Any suggestions?
Reworked Empty Chart State to replace "Unable to display chart" in Dashboards
I would like to see a rework of the "Unable to display chart" prompt in the Charts widget. I am building a series of dashboards using Grouped and Summarized reports as the source data for charts, pulling basic counts across multiple sheets. These reports are counting open and overdue tasks, the goal being that they'll be…
Too many y-coordinates on bar chart....
I've created a stacked bar chart in dashboard and has too many y-coordinates on the chart. The data only deals in whole numbers, but the chart is showing half numbers. How do I reduce the y-coordinates to only show whole numbers? I'm not concerned about the x-axis as we adjust the view for the time period that is wanted to…
All my charts that pulled numerical data from reports now broken and I cannot fix them?
I had a bunch of charts set up that pulled from reports. These reports all had a summary of a numerical count. For example, I had the count of action item statuses summarized in the report. This then was used to create a pie chart in my dashboard. Today, all of those types of widgets are broken. When I try to add the same…
More Gantt Timeline Display Options
Due to limited screen space, I find the available Timeline Display options either far too dense to be useful, or too expansive. I propose: more Zoom settings. my issue is really that the zoom settings correspond to the heading incremements. my usability issue would be mostly resolved with more zoom level granularity. more…
Missing Data on Metric Widget During a Dashboard Global Update
Hello, I recently ran a global update on a dashboard in a child blueprint and found all existing projects now show a "missing data" in a metric widget. New provisioned projects do not have this issue. The metric is pulled from a sheet cell that is part of the project blueprint. The source sheet has not been renamed or…
Dynamic Forms created as an Object
It would be great to have forms created as objects, that way if I copy paste a folder, or am provisioning projects via control center, the form URL will be dynamic to the newly created object instead of me copy/pasting/modifying dashboard links etc.
Gantt View on Dashboard not starting at today's date
Hello! I have a report that summarizes deliverables from several sheets, with the information displayed in a Gantt view. On the Gantt Timescale Settings, the checkbox to open the view to today's date is checked. I created a dashboard and have the report on it with the Report Widget. When I load the dashboard, it properly…