Show Percentage from Sheet as Pie Chart in Dashboard
Hi- I have a user on my team who is looking to show progress made against major tasks in his sheet as individual pie charts on a dashboard. For example, if "Milestone 1" is 50% complete, he'd like a pie chart on the dashboard that's just half filled in. Some of these tasks will just have an estimated percentage filled in,…
Is it possible to URL-Query an embedded form?
I am wondering if it is possible to prefill an embedded form on a dashboard by referencing the form in the dashboard URL?
Can I add an email hyperlink on a dashboard in a rich text widget?
Hello, I can't seem to figure out if I can add an email address that will link the user directly to email (outlook) to send an email. If I highlight the email address in the rich text widget and select the link icon, the link doesn't work. I'm just trying to save time so the user doesn't have to copy the email address and…
Dashboard - Embedding links to email addresses
I've seen some past posts on this topic but have not gotten the workaround to work and was hoping that there may be progress on a solution. At the 2020 Engage event, I saw a beautiful dashboard that had images and email links under a title: contacts. I'm trying to create the same on my dashboard. Any help or update? This…
Reporting on top parent rows only, not all rows with children
Hi all, I have my projects set up as workstreams rather than phases, with a helper column for phases. I want to add a dashboard widget that lists out each workstream and its % done . In my hunt through the questions I found that I can add a helper column to indicate if a task has children like this: =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN()) >…
Change default time frame in published calendar view of report in Dashboard
I have a dashboard that integrates a calendar view of a report. It always opens to a time window of one month, but I'd like to make this default to two weeks. Can this be done? Thanks.
Create a dynamic unique count metric sheet for a leaderboard
Hi All, I'm looking for a way to create a leaderboard from a sheet that tracks incoming submissions. We want to track the unique visitors and how many submissions each has created over a period of time, and I'm having zero luck. Any help would be appreciated!
what's the best way to display the legacy project resource view or the icon on a dashboard?
OneNote Link as Web Content in Dashboard
Hi all - I'm looking to make access to a OneNote notebook available through a Smartsheet dashboard. I have been trying to do so by using the Web Content widget, but when I go to paste the public link, an error shows up in the widget. After looking through some Community answers, I'm noticing that there isn't a OneNote…
A Template that is more friendly way to set this up
I hope that my screenshot is helpful, but i am still using new tools in Smartsheets, but i was wondering if anyone had any idea of a way I can set up my 1x1 meetings, per supervisor in Smartsheets. So i have 3 departments, and each department has about 12 supervisors each, and those supervisors have about 12-18 employees…