Report Filter not available
When I create a workapp to show a report the filter is not available to the user, but the sort is. How do I get the filter available as well? Workapp Edit Mode Workapp Preview Mode
Dashboard Bar chart
I want to show how many request have come each week and show this value on a Dashboard with a bar chart ? I also need to show the oldest request that has a value of "New Request" maybe put this value on a Card of Text area on the Dashboard ? Any help would be appreciated...
Slice data in dashboard
like to slice data similiar to powerBI by clicking on the chart - Drill-down on Pie charts, Battery charts, and Calculation cards to break down the data you're looking at natively by clicking directly into any slice, segment, or number.
Count Rows Where A Value in Multiple Columns is blank
Is it possible to count how many lines meet certain criteria AND have a blank value in Column 1 OR Column 2 OR Column 3? For example I have a Smartsheet with a questionnaire and am currently trying to calculate metrics from the answers in said questionnaire. One of my metrics is "Level 1 Completion" (which is equal to "Q1…
Dashboard and sheet chart graphics for ADA / color blind
I would like to have options other than color for reports/graphs that show texture on charts instead of color. This would help those who are color-blind read the data in a better format.
Dashboard Gantt Chart - Visualizing Variances
Hi ! My Dashboards are meant to visualize high level information on my portfolio of projects. One key is visualizing the project duration on a Gantt Chart from Inception to Completion (Project Start to Project Finish Date), which shows as a single bar connecting the two dates. However, the Gantt Chart in the dashboard is…
Merged: Emailing Dashboards as pdf.
This discussion has been merged.
Dashboard Widgets | Shortcut Widget Side by Side is not Side by side...
The Shortcut Widget layout says side by side but it still looks like stacked on top of each other (or am I missing something here?). How do I do Side by Side using the shortcut widget?
Cell Value Capture for Monthly Reporting
Hello, I am trying to build an executive summary dashboard and would like to capture cell values at the beginning of every month to compile on a monthly basis. I have thought about using a row copy automation however i need to build a "capture sheet" for the dashboard to reference for several data points (total invoice…
Creating a count for a Column
So I have a column I am trying to get a count of by year for a Metric dashboard. I am using the following formula: =countif([Completion Date]:[Completion Date], ="2023"). This formula is not working and I am not the best with them. Can someone help me figure this our?