A department wanted a way to take a unique list from a project column in one sheet and use that distinct listing as a dropdown for another sheet, which updated every hour. I currently run the below script from Python Anywhere on an hourly basis, and I have shared this script so that anyone else can use it as a template for…
Hey Smartsheet Community, Our Community team is excited to announce the launch of our Ideas & Feature Requests area of the Community! There's one topic for Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas and another topic for Community Platform Feedback. Here's a post with Guidelines for posting Ideas: Cheers! The Community team
1 - Let others know what answer was best After someone has responded to your question with a comment, you will notice that under their comment there’s a prompt asking you, Did this answer the question? Yes . No If you click Yes, this answer will appear under a heading that says Best Answer and the member who posted that…
Unsubscribe or Manage Community Email Notifications In the upper-right corner of the Community, click your Profile > Account & Privacy Settings Choose Notification Preferences from the options on the right. You can subscribe to any of your Followed Topics to receive notifications for every new post in the online Community!…
1 - Community error message: “Permission or Domain Denied” If you receive the “Permission or Domain Denied,” error when you attempt to log in (or create a Community account for the first time), there are two possible reasons: The email address associated with the account has been warned and then blocked based on previously…
Quick Tips for engaging in the Community 🔎 Search before you post: Before you create a new post, search to see if your question is already out there. 💬 Be descriptive: Include screen shots and as many details as you can when asking questions or providing an answer (without exposing sensitive data). The more details you…