Formula Issue
I have a form where I am collecting data on a metric sheet to translate to a dashboard for a group. I have two questions: I am using =COUNTIFS to collect the answer that is considered a violation + the date of the line, and am separating it out by months. When all the answers that are violations are "No", my formula works…
Update TODAY() function automatically improvements
Hello SS Community, I have been using the required automation to update my sheets automatically since I am using the TODAY() function on my rows. The current setup I have is to check an unchecked box and vice versa. Other solutions found here:…
Formula to count two different values in the same column
I'm trying to create a summary field formula to count two different values in the same column. The formula seems to work, but it returns a value of "0" which I know is not correct. =COUNTIFS(PMActivity:PMActivity, "303", PMActivity:PMActivity, "307") Hoping someone can point out where I've gone wrong on this one. Thank you…
How to use COUNTIFS + CONTAINS in one formula?
Hello everyone, Already grateful for your assistance in advance. I'm having some trouble coming up with a formula that can determine how often a multiple-choice topic appears in a column. I've used the COUNTIFS function and it worked well on the column with single-choice topics. But when I use the formula CONTAINS, it…
Formula based on created time foiled by users in different time zones
I created a formula that looks at the created time and date and checks a box if the hour is after a certain time if the day is a certain date. When the box gets checked, it means the entry was made late, and an approval workflow kicks off to managers to review and approve the entry. The created time deadline is CST based.…
COUNTIF & Multi-Selection Dropdown -- Count multiple entries
My data input sheet has several columns that are Multi-select dropdowns. For my Metrics summary page, I am struggling with COUNTIF when the user has selected multiple options. Example of options in the Multi-selection dropdown: * Apple * Pear * Grapes * Banana * Other I need guidance on how to structure the criteria for…
How to have Parent field Status update according to multiple Children field Status?
Hello all, I'm relatively new to smartsheet and excel and was hoping to get some help automating part of my sheet. I also have a bad habit of going about things the most complicated way possible, so there may be a much simpler way to accomplish this. The columns involved are: Status(TBD, Complete, On Schedule, Past Due),…
Setting Task Due Dates Based on Project Due Date (Retroactively)
I need to create a sheet/template where the due dates of tasks are based on the project's due date (i.e., I want to "back into" the project due date). I assume formulas or helper columns might be necessary to accomplish this (e.g., =Projectt_Due_Date-90, etc.), but I can't wrap my head around how to do this using…
Don’t know why this formula is returning #UNPARSEABLE
Hi, This is probably really basic and I’m sorry if it is, but I’ve been tearing my hair out over WHY SmartSheet is complaining about this formula: =IF(AND([Raised by]@row<>”My Name”,[Raised by]@row<>”my.name@mycompany.com”),[Raised by]@row) So - return the column “Raised by” in this row, if it’s not “My Name” and not the…
Countif and Sums
I am a beginner in Smartsheet and have formula phobia but have been tasked with generating metrics etc. I have an ongoing intake sheet that collects details from volunteers on how much they get paid. Some volunteers donate money back so there are several metrics I have to report on. Here are the columns I have set up. I…