Formula operators
I am attempting to create a tracker and a formula is creating the dreaded "#UNPARSEABLE". No matter how much I stare at it I can't figure out why despite the simplicity. I just want to circle populate yellow if the the value is equal to or greater that 70% but less 100% =IF([% Complete]16 >= 0.7 < 1, "Yellow")
How do I get the sum of 6 columns (dollars) but only if a 7th column with yes/no dropdown equals no?
I have a sheet with 6 columns, one for each month of the second half of the year. I want the sum total of all 6 months, but only if a column labeled "Planned Budget", which has a yes/no dropdown, has a value of no in the same row. Is this doable? I have the sum of all six columns without the conditional "planned budget"…
VLookup #No Match Error
I am looking for guidance for the utilization of the VLookup formula. I have formatted this formula within one of my Smartsheet sheets and I keep getting the #No Match error message, I have verified this information already: 1) Range to retrieve data from is 3 columns wide by about 1000 lines long, so I don't believe that…
Want to compare a date field to a static date
I have a sheet that has both a date field and a system-generated date created field. I want to use the date field (Called "Actual Start") in this column formula to show the "Actual Start" date if that date is before July 30, 2022. Otherwise, I want the cell to be populated with the System-generated date created field. I…
Formula for Priority Cell
Hello All: I am having a difficult time creating a formula that will give me Priority. Below are my rules for Priority Status. Thanks Urgency High If Impact High and Urgency High, then Priority is 1 If Impact Med and Urgency High, then Priority 2 If Impact Low and Urgency High, then Priority 3 Urgency Med If Impact High…
Countifs in date range and value range.
I am stuck on this formula, it doesn't become unparseable but it doesn't result in an accurate count. My goal with this is to is to keep an annual tally of a specific age range of patient the formula is as follows: =COUNTIFS({Trauma Chart Audit Age}, <15) + COUNTIFS({Trauma Chart Audit Age}, NOT(ISNUMBER(@cell)), {Trauma…
Workflow Not Working
I have a workflow to copy rows to another sheet if a checkbox is checked (the checkbox column has a formula in it to make it checked depending on another cell). Please see the attached images for what the setup looks like. The rows are all pre-populated due to formulas required in each to calculate out information. That's…
Is there a way to move /copy or link attachements only from one sheet to another sheet?
Is there a way to move, copy, or link attachments only from one sheet to another sheet based on matching criteria?
Update a Symbol column based on another sheet's checkbox, whilst maintaining other information
Okay, I have a three-part problem that I, in no way, can solve on my own. Question 1 Above is a destination sheet we use that determines which operators are cleared on specific disciplines. We'd like to automate this based on the Cleared column in our main training source sheet (see picture below). When that checkbox is…
Multiple IF Statements
I'm hoping someone can help me determine the error in my IF statement. We have tasks in our projects assigned to a specific role: either an SL (Senior Lead), SPL (Senior Project Lead), or a PC (Project Coordinator). I have those initials and the person assigned to those roles at the top of my sheet. I.e.: PL Steve Smith,…