Approval Workflow
I am wanting to create an approval workflow that requires different levels of approval. The number of levels depends on where the request is coming from. As an example request comes in that requires Director, VP, and CEO approval to proceed, but I do not want the next level to see a request that was denied by the lower…
Offline Access Please oh Please....
Hello, I see that there are many other threads requesting this feature but nothing recently from Smartsheet staff saying whether or not this request is being taken seriously. Does anyone know if there are any plans at all for this to be added in the future? Not being offline is a major issue for us as we go to places often…
Sheet exceeded the maximum recommended size
Has anyone received this error message before? What are the options for large data?
CountIFS & Counting Dates
Hi All, I need some CountIFS help with counting dates, I have a sheet that has a column called Device that has either New or Existing. Then my second column is Date Installed. If the Device is New and the Date Installed has a date then I need to return the value for the total number of existing devices installed. Any help…
Doing two things in one IF statement
WHAT I'M TRYING TO DO: I would like to accomplish two things in one IF statement. Something like: =IF([This Column]@row = 1, [That Column]=true ALSO Today(), ....) WHY I'M TRYING TO DO THIS: I am trying to automate the Actual Finish column in my project management sheets such that, when % Complete reaches 100, then check a…
How to Link my 2020 Capital Budget to my Capital Budget Form
Hello My organization has finalized our 2020 Capital Ex Budget. Starting in January 2020, I want to create a Capital Exp Form that provides the options that were approved for the 2020 Cap Ex Budget. For example, the form would be set up as follows: 1. Is the capital expenditure request a 2020 approved capital expenditure.…
Is There Really No Built-in Log\NL Function?
My team and I are trying to implement our escalation algorithm in smart sheet but it would seem that SS can't compute natural log in formula. Are we missing something; Why is the SS math library so dumbed down? Below is the formula in Excel we are trying to migrate. =ROUNDUP(LN(A2)/1.609437912,0)+1 WHERE: A2 is a user…
Update on Time Options?
Hi - I have been searching through old posts and I see many mentions of a new feature that's hopefully coming soon to be able to track time in a column (24 hour format would be great). Any update as to when this may be available? Thank you!
Multiple criteria for approval workflow
I need to create an approval workflow where 2 criteria need to be met but it seems the only option is "or" and not "and" (see screen shot). Is there a way to have an approval sent out only if both criteria are met?
Can I have multiple attachment fields in a web form?
I have a new requirement to have more than attachment field in a web form. Example: the form asks for specific budget information in one section requiring upload(s), and then in another section we would like to add an area to add receipt information. It would be OK if they are stored together in the Smartsheet when…