unsharing sheets
I have multiple sheets that are shared with an employee who has resigned. Is there a way to ushare with one process, or do I need to do this with each shared sheet?
Smartsheet Directory
I made a directory listing all of our smartsheets with a brief discription of the sheet. I made the name of the SS a hyperlink that takes you to that SS. I then shared the directory with my office. My problem is if there is a sheet someone in my office wants to access but the sheet has not been shared with them then I want…
Emailing a row - sent under incorrect team member.
Whenever I share a row - it comes up with another team member's name sharing the smartsheet. Rather than Nicola Zarimis via Smartsheet it should say Winnie Sempio via Smartsheet. I've double triple checked all the settings and owners are set to mine but still says it is sent via another person. Any idea's where I'm going…
Permissions have changed for an administrator
Hi, There is an administrator for one of the sheets we have who can no longer delete or modify columns (its now greyed out) The only change that has recently been implemented was that another individual was also given administrator rights to the sheet so they now both show as admins when I look at the permissions for the…
Transfer ownership of a sheet
We have a new licensed user and I need to transfer ownership of a sheet I created to her. However, when I go in to do so from the User Management option it's not clear to me if it is going to transfer ALL of my sheets to her, or if once I click "OK" on her name if it will then let me choose which sheet(s) to transfer.…
Formatting sheets influencing shared users
How do I prevent a user sort and expanding tasks in a sheet effecting other users also working on same sheet?
Can you create a form that will populate a specific row and column of a sheet?
I want to gather the status on specific projects by sending a form. I would like that status to populate a specific row/column of a sheet.
Client collaboration method in SmartSheets
Would like to discuss client collaboration methods in SmartSheets. Do you colloborate with clients through SS and how??
Collab Invites & Update Requests not working
I've sent several invites to collaborate and update requests with myself copied, but my invitees are telling me they haven't received anything and that it's not in their Junk email box either. I'm not receiving copies of the invites either. Is Smartsheet experience any technical glitches causing this problem right now?…
I am a owner of a sheet that was shared with trail users now sheet data is gone HELP
I shared a sheet with free trial users. They had the free tial expire. Now the sheet is blank. the format is still there but no Data. Can this sheet data be brought back into my sheet?