How to determine the workspace ID & Name and folder name if I only have the sheetID?
Hi, I am using the Smartsheet API for Python. I can determine the workspace names and IDs. I can determine the Sheet name and ID. However, I need to know which workspace (ID & Name) and under which folder of that workspace a specific sheet (per sheetID) resides. How do I do that using python, please? Thank you.
Resource Management API - Users
Hi Every one, I am wondering if anyone faced this issue before. I am trying to make an API call using the users API as following. The issue that I don't get tags in the response as mentioned in the API documentation: I get ''tags' in the response only when I pass it as a sting as following: Below is a sample response after…
Excel VBA Examples
Does anyone have any examples of using Excel VBA to run api commands? I had some routines that used CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") with 1.1 but these don't work anymore, I get error occurred in the secure channel support. I am trying to update smartsheet rows from macros within excel and word which are used to…
Issue with API Call to Update Rows in Smartsheet Using Custom Integration Tool
Hello Smartsheet Community, I am encountering a persistent issue when attempting to update rows using a custom integration tool that interacts with the Smartsheet API. Despite several attempts and adjustments, the API calls are not being processed successfully, and I'm consistently receiving parsing errors. Details of the…
Loading data from excel into Smartsheet API to an existing sheet
I have data in Excel which I have loaded and cleaned in Python and I want to load the same into Smartsheet through API. This data goes into the existing sheet in Smartsheet, which is typically adding new data into the sheet. I have gone through few articles about "Add Rows" but it doesn't explain about loading data with…
C# API access to row attachments
Greetings, I have been able to use the Smartsheet C# API to access sheet and cell data without issues. I added an attachment to a row and attempted to get information about it via the API: // Load the entire sheet Sheet sheet = smartsheet.SheetResources.GetSheet(selectedSheetID, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);…
Get Sheet (ID) by Name using Smartsheet API
I was wondering if there is a way to get the sheet Id of a specific sheet using the name of the sheet. Get sheet accepts the sheet id to get the sheet info, but I would like to get the sheet using the name. In Bridge, you have the option to get sheet by id or name, so I was wondering if there is a way to get it apart from…
Entry date/Payments
I have a sheet that tracks payments made by certain clients. When I add a new client that payment is due in June, the formulas are putting in automatically, payments that "should" have been paid in May. How do I make it so that the sheet won't calculate until the "entry date"?
Merged: Not able to access Smartsheet API Doc getting error
This discussion has been merged.
Smartsheet sending multiple previously updated records for each "on record updated"
I'm using a 3rd party connector to push data to another system when a Smartsheet record is updated. At the start of the day, if I update 1 record, it triggers one "on record updated" event. For every additional change I make to another record, it will be added to the sent events - so if I update a 2nd record and save, it…