Pretty links?
Is there a way to use pretty links in Smartsheet? I can't figure out any way to do that. This also points to a deeper problem: I would like a pretty link to show up in the Calendar App as one of the fields, because otherwise we get these long, ugly links that wrap around and take up the entire tile/entry. Any work-arounds?
Using the Calendar with Outside network personnel
I work for a manufacturing company and we would like our customers to schedule their pickups. Is it possible to create a calendar where a customer can do this? Using a webform is not an option since they won't be able to receive positive or negative feedback via email. We are using the basic calendar function. I believe…
Calendar App Month View: Hide Days Not In Month
Hello, When in the Month view of the Calendar app, is there a way to exclude events that take place in the prior or subsequent month from the view? For example, the month view for March 2023 shows February 26-28 and lists all the events on those days. How can I view view just March 2023 events, or just April 2023 events?…
Smartsheet Calendar App Enhancement Requests
Hello, My team and I have been using the Smartsheet calendar app (https://calendar.smartsheet.com/) for various tasks recently, and have come across a few instances where additional customization would greatly improve the final product. Is it possible to have the ability to: Remove the gridlines from either all of or the…
Publish Calendar App calendar to SharePoint
I'm trying to publish my Calendar App calendar to my SharePoint site. I've indicated "Publish" in the Calendar App. When I try to paste that link into SharePoint, I get the message below. I can embed the underlying sheet using the embed code from the sheet but not from the "Publish" link. How do I publish my Calendar App…
Calendar App search function
It would be great if the Calendar App had a search bar for users to search by keywords. This would make the calendar much more useful.
Calendar App Filters Legend
Hi, I am using filters on the Calendar App to create different calendar views based on the type of event on the calendar (e.g. Company-wide event, local work event, US Holiday, Int'l Holiday, etc). How can I edit the legend so that it only shows items that match up to the filter? For example, I have created a filter for…
Calendar App security enhancement
We are working with the Calendar App and would like to be able to apply security based on groups to the same CalendarApp calendar, similar to row-level security. For instance, we want to use the same dataset and Calendar App (link, but have a public view and manager view based on filters.
Smartsheet Pivot App & Calendar Apps
Hello, I am looking to build a pivot table, but I see an App is required in order for me to do so. Does anyone know whether you need to continue subscribing to the monthly app after you've built the pivot table in order to keep viewing it? Additionally, how helpful is the Calendar App versus building your own annual…
Folders for Calendar App
It would be great to have the ability to place calendars built in Calendar app into folders. RIght now, it is a long list and not very organized. Filters are a good step, but folders would be a leap! Additionally, it would be cool to then grant permissions based on the folder (if needed).