Card View in Reports
Is it possible to have Card View in reports? It would be great to be able to see a card view board for multiple sheets at once.
Publish with Filter ON
I have a card view that is set to display with a filter on by default. Is it possible to also Publish this to the Web with a filter on by default?
Card View Stacked?
Hello, I understand why card view runs left to right. We are using card view to plan the layout of a 100 page magazine so we have 50 lanes. But there is only ever 2 tasks/cards per lane. Is it possible to stack the card view so we can see more lanes to view as visually this would be easier for us to manage this process?…
Images not loading
Anybody else experiencing the problem the last couple days where images on rows/cards don't load? See screenshot. Where you see all those empty boxes within the cards, there are supposed to be unique images.
Can I drill into a dependency in card view?
I have setup card view and can show the row number of the dependency but unable to view the details or title from the card view. Is there a way to view without having to switch back to card view?
Recurring task with task results stored per row
Good morning all I have created a grid for 'preventative maintenance' program - whereby the grid shows the task, owned by, frequency (daily/weekly/monthly etc), date last completed (user enters this each time they complete the task) and date next due is calculated (from the date last completed). But - my gap is that i also…
Allowing multiple contacts per cell leads card view is removed.
Card view is removed automatically when changing configuration of a contacts type column to multiple contacts per cell. I need that card view.
card view filter - include summary tasks
I commonly have task lists that are nested to an arbitrary number of levels. In card view, you can filter tasks to level 1, level 2, etc. This isn't very useful to me. I think it would be far more useful to have a filter "include summary tasks (or not)". Since my actual tasks are always on leaf nodes of the hierarchy, by…
Card view settings
Is there any way I can view the cards showing only the columns with data from the grid view? For example i have about 20 columns on the grid view, and i would like a rule so that when i look in card view only the populated cells appear.
Can I Auto Assign Tasks to Myself?
When creating a new task can I have it automatically assign it to myself?