Row or Record roll up and multiple forms or sheets
I have been attempting set up a relational database for multiple client use. This database should track records (rows including child rows) as it progresses through different phases. Projects may stop periodically and should be searchable and may be re-started later. I have tried using 3 column relational connection to…
Card view - How to decide the "fastview" Columns?
Hi! When you go into card view and look at a card. You see the "Main collumn" as the card name but you also see 4 more columns without going into "edit". How do I decide what columns should be shown ON the card in card view? Kind Regards// Hugo Martinwall
Embedded sheet in dashboard - problems
HI all I've embedded a Smartsheet sheet in a dashboard and it displays as tiles (which is what I want). I'm the owner and there are two other collaborators. They have been able to open the tile and add content to the fields but now that's stopped. They can open the tile, scroll to a field but when they start typing, they…
Updating Rows on different sheet assigned to a user?
Dear All,new here, apologies if this has been discussed before, couldn't find anything. A question regarding the following scenario: Imagine a sheet (sheet 1) in which a user/department ads their requests assigning a task to a specific user/owner. Is it possible to update the sheet of the owner only when a task is assigned…
Do Filters Work Correctly?
I created a filter that: * Shows rows that match <all conditions> * <Status> <is not one of> <3 values selected> (DONE, DEAD, LATER) * <Archive> <is unchecked> The instructions my team is getting are that they can flip tasks to DONE and DEAD, but they won't be hidden from view until our next meeting where they are then…
Printing the card view
Is there a way to print the card view? Every time I try, it just prints rows instead of the cards.
Problems with Levels in Card View Mobile
Hello! Does anyone else have issues with Levels in Card View on mobile (Android)? It appears that the Level view gets reset when leaving sheet -- and even worse, If I set the display to "Level 1 and subtasks", and then I add a subtask, it will switch the display to "Level 2"! (and all my main tasks will disappear). I was…
Sending multiple cards at once?
Hi, I'm very new to smartsheet, so this might be simple, sorry. Basically I have a bunch of applications that I want to send out to different reviewers. Is there a way to send these out in card form (rather than grid view) more than one at a time? So, for example, every application assigned to reviewer a gets sent at once?…
Card View Restrictions
I have a user with Admin privileges, who is unable to see the 'View by Assigned to' dropdown from Card view. They also do not have the Card View Settings tool (gear) near the upper right corner, to be able to turn this on. From my account, I can do all of this on the same sheet, but he can not. What am I missing for him to…
Card view - Subtask
Hi, Everybody I need you help, in the card view, into subtasks how to request status update assigned To? https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1_44tMamu1YJWOyEHxb-onfE_0QXsLNpdu0cKo7MxDv4/edit?usp=sharing Thanks,