Yellow if, Red if
Hello - looking for some assistance on a formula that I'm trying to create that will return my task health as Yellow if 1 - 13 days beyond target completion date, and Red if 14 days beyond. I have created the below, which works, however I'm stumped on where I need to incorporate the IF formula for Yellow, and how to ensure…
Could anyone help us create the proper formula? Parent/Children Health based off Due Dates
We are trying to utilize Smartsheet to list out, follow, and forecast our project schedules. The idea is that each Milestone of the Project is the Parent and the steps within the milestone are the children. We are having issues with the parents correctly representing an issue/delay within its children. Right now the…
Select the column in AJAX for Filter, Workflow and Conditionnal formatting
Hello everyone, Maybe I don't know how to do it that's why I prefer to ask the question before proposing an enhancement: Is there a way to search for a column just by typing the first letters of it so it shows up automatically in any of these section: Filter, Workflow and Conditionnal formatting Because today I need to…
Changing Status and Health Based on Percentage
Hi guys! I'm fairly new to Smartsheets (and project management) and i'm the first and only project manager at my company. I was looking for help with conditional formatting and and IF AND function. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated! What I'm looking to do is (seemingly) basic: If my "Percentage Completed" row…
Track Birthdays and Anniversaries coming up
I am trying to set up a dashboard to allow me to see upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries, with them being sorted to earliest upcoming being at the top of the list. I tried, what I thought would have been to do a min collect, without luck. Then I thought maybe someone had a better idea as to how to make the happen.
If there are multiple batch numbers, how can I make that go to different rows instead of columns?
Hello, I am trying to create a form that allows you to enter in when you receive different batches. Sometimes we receive multiple batch numbers at once. Is there a way to make it so that if multiple batch numbers are chosen that all the data will copy to another row instead of another column within the same row? Right now…
Delay in applying conditional formatting
My conditional formatting changes certain rows and cells different colors based on the information in the row and it doesn't update the colors for a while. I will save and refresh and the conditional formatting still hasn't taken place. Any idea why that would be happening?
How to have only certain fields show on a form based on a condition
Trying to create One form where users can submit an enhancement request and based on the "Request Type" (a drop-down list), only certain fields will display and other fields will not display. For example, if a user selects Request Type = Report, then I want only report related fields to display. If a user selects Request…
Drop Down List assigning a score
I am trying to figure out the correct formula to execute an output I have created a Drop-Down list that the end user can select one or more options. Each question has an associated score with it (1 or 2). I want the output to generate the overall score and a background color in a separate column. I have it created in excel…
Conditional Formatting to add days to date based on risk category
Please help. I am trying to work with two columns: A Risk Category column which consists of High, Medium, and Low categories;. And a Committed Closure Date column which, depending on the risk category, is the date by which the gaps must be closed. Here is what I have which has not worked. The columns are already of the…