USing IF and ISBLANK with two columns
Please help. I posted this almost two months ago and still have gotten no help. I am currently using AT-RISK indicators for certain tasks that have not been closed. The first formula works but does not turn off on the indicator once the task is closed. =IF([Committed Closure Date]@row - TODAY() > 10, "Green",…
Using IF and ISBANK.. Please help!
Please help. I am currently using AT-RISK indicators for certain tasks that have not been closed. The first formula works but does not turn off on the indicator once the task is closed. =IF([Committed Closure Date]@row - TODAY() > 10, "Green", IF(AND([Committed Closure Date]@row - TODAY() >= 6, [Committed Closure Date]@row…
Conditional Format - Column Only
Is there a way to set a conditional format for either one or multiple columns and not the row? What I am attempting to do is high light negative numbers in three columns and to not want the entire row to be highlighted as it does not apply and is very distracting. Thank you for your response. Paul
Fast status updates based on parent cell
I would like to make our status updates faster by utilizing the parent/child cell(s). If the user changes the status in the parent cell (dark grey line) to "Completed" then the child and grandchild cells would change to completed. If the user marks the child cell as one of the following statuses then the grandchild rows…
Telephone Number Formatting (###-###-####)
Is there a way to format a column of numbers to be in telephone number format? NPA-NXX-NNNN?
conditional formatting for dates in another column
I need to make the dates in a column turn green or red depending if they are complete. There is a box of due date of the deck, the deck completion date needs to turn either green or red, based off hitting the due date or missing it- OR if the box hasn't been filled with a date when it is due. HELP, please.
Conditional formatting for rows with an attachment
As the attachment (paperclip) column is on the far left of the sheet and can't be repositioned, it's not always clear when an attachment has already been added to a row (as I often don't scroll far left to check, especially in sheets with multiple columns). Is there an easy way to use conditional formatting to identify and…
Merged: Alternate row color banding that applies dynamically with filters and sorting
This discussion has been merged.
Detecting Sum formula "null" value
Hi Community I have a simple sheet with a mixture of parent and child rows. Not all parent rows have child rows. I have a very simple formula [=SUM(CHILDREN())] to sum the value of child rows for a parent row where they exist. Where there are no child rows the formula returns a "0". I use conditional formatting to change…
How to graph a range of dates when only given a start and finish
I have a sheet where I have individual tasks each with their own start and finish dates that can overlap. They each have a certain # of people assigned to the tasks per day. Essentially, it looks like start: 5/15/23 | end: 6/25/23 | #ofPPL/Day: 5 and for each day in between those dates there will be 5 people. The goal is…