I was having a hard time with this formula - Not sure why I am getting it wrong. What I am trying to do is - If Column A is Student and if Column C has Enrolled or Enrolled - Incompleted, Count. The f…
Trying to count instances where item has PV-E Validation and the Status is Complete. My current formula is below and is not working. =COUNTIF({PV Type}, "PV-E Redemption") AND({PV Express Status}, "Ca…
Hi, I looked at the past discussion but didn't find the answer. My sheet has a row for each events happening with the precise dates (ex: 8-Aug-2024). I would like to count any event that happened with…
Hello, I am working on creating metrics in our Smartsheet milestones. Currently, if a milestone was completed on-time, the date completed is turned green. If the milestone was not completed on-time, t…
Hi, I have one main sheet and i'm going to pull data from that to another sheet, in this case i need to count my new Client Details within the particular date range, the problem is Project name detail…
I am try to create a metric to understand how many items were shipped in a month, according to the product type. Can some one help with the formula from the example below?
I am trying to count past due tasks but exclude any tasks that are past the End Date. Below is my current logic that is NOT working. =COUNTIFS({P904 - Walkthrough Past Due}, AND(@cell < TODAY (), AND(…
Hello, I am trying to count if {Goal #1} and {Goal #2} are not blank IF {Office Name} is [Primary Column]@row OR {Division Name] is [Primary Column]@row. The way my tracker sheet is set up is that I h…
I'm trying include a date range with counting the number of applicants within various depts, in certain date ranges, but it's saying incorrect argument set. =COUNTIFS(DISTINCT([Name of Requestor]:[Nam…