Hi Formula Gurus, This should be straight forward but I keep getting 0 or 1. I'm looking for a count of projects do not have a Project Category of "test" and they have Year Started is 2023 (or yr 2024…
I am trying to label the overall health of my projects If all symbols on my range are green, I want the overall cell to have a green symbol. If one or more symbols on my range are yellow, I want the o…
Hi All, Ive been looking through what feels like hundreds of posts trying to find a solution for this. I'm looking for a formula to count the number of times TWO criteria (or more, for future referenc…
This works =COUNTIF(Priority:Priority, "P1") This works =COUNTIFS(Priority:Priority, "P1") + COUNTIF(Priority:Priority, "P2") This works =COUNTIFS(Priority:Priority, "P1") + COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Do…
Hi. I am working on a dashboad to summarize some data from a reference sheet. I want to add a metrics widget that presents a sum of the number of rows on a reference sheet only if they are filled with…
Hello, I am trying to count the number of boxes that are checked in the "Missed Information" column and showcase the total in the bottom right corner of the Sheet. I have tried many different formulas…
Hi Y'All, I have a small task that I do not know how to solve. We collect project data and one specific info we are counting and, I would love to visualize is: How many contracts were signed in year x…