Hi Y'All, I have a small task that I do not know how to solve. We collect project data and one specific info we are counting and, I would love to visualize is: How many contracts were signed in year x…
I have column (status) that has multiple valid options that I want to count but i"m referencing a separate sheet (using a project rollup method given we don't have pivot app) what is the syntax for th…
Hi, I need to count if certain data is used in 6 different columns. Here is what I have so far: =COUNTIF({Test Range 1}, [Name]@row) + COUNTIF({Test Range 2}, [Name]@row) + COUNTIF({Test Range 3}, [Na…
Hello, I am trying to calculate the number of times a certain type of request come through on a form in instances where multiple options can appear in the one cell. I've tried manipulating the formula…
I have a sheet with StartDate and EndDate fields. I want to count actual items opened on a separate sheet if the date falls between the start date and end date. The below formula keeps returning #UNPA…
Hi there! I am trying to count the type of client we have per opportunity attached to a project. We will have some projects attached to the same opportunity and we will not want that data to be counte…
I am trying to add to this formula "<+" &{end week}, Weekend@row =COUNTIFS({Name}, [Primary Column]@row, {Week}, start@row, {Year}, [Column3]@row, {SKill}, "LTE") * 60 I want this formula to look and …
I am trying to do an equation in sheet summary that will calculate how many dates were in the last 7 days and are scheduled in the next 7 days. This is what I have, I've tried others on community ques…