How can I format a dashboard to only display the most recent form submission?
I recently built a form for weekly project capacity and status updates. I was able to create a dashboard with metrics pulling project information, capacity percentages, etc., but I am struggling to format it in a way where the dashboard only reflects the most recent submission? For context - the form and dashboard is only…
Merged: Dashboard Enhancement: copy & hide elements to share externally
This discussion has been merged.
Display values from a row when a value in that row is a specific value
I am trying to create a reporting dashboard that displays elements of a row when a value in that row is "Yes". For example, if a workstream is blocked, the reference cell is "Is Blocked?" and if the value is "yes", I would like to display on the report the details of the workstream, the owner, and the reason it is blocked.…
Dynamic Sizing of Dashboard Widgets
There are many times we show data within report widgets and there is a of whitespace due to not many things being in the report. The suggestion would be to have the widget adjust its size based on the number of displayed rows. Two things that would make it even better... Have a checkbox that allows setting to dynamic, in…
Report over sheet that have a published with edit rights link
The ability to have a report that allows editing to users that only has edit access to sheets from a published link. Use case: I have a published edit rights access link to a project test sheet on the dashboard for the testers. Due to the volume the testers are not granted permissions individually. Challenge: I have…
Metric Widget/Reports Formatting on Dashboard
Hi Guys, I'm just diving into dashboard creation, and am adding Metric Widgets and reports on my sheet. My question is there a way to modify the width of the columns? It seems like the columns are the same width, with no way of modifying them. I'd like the date column to by thinner, and the desctription column to be wider,…
Published Dashboards for external customer facing websites
Does anyone know of any Smartsheet users who has used published dashboards that include metrics, reports (published), and clickable interfaces on an external customer facing website? Basically, does anyone have some real life use cases of utilizing published dashboards from an organization to the public? I could really…
Adding feature to export dashboards from SmartPMO into PDF or PPT
Currently, I am able to export dashboards using the print function of Edge. As some projects still generate powerpoint decks, it would be beneficial to have a built in function within SmartPMO to support generation of PDF or PPT reports with page breaks. In addition, colors of some headers were lost in the PDF file.
Merged: Drill Down on Dashboard
This discussion has been merged.
Dashboard Widgets
Hello, We are in the process of revamping our dashboards, and our manager has provided a screenshot (first image) as an example of the desired widget layout located in the top left corner. However, we are unsure if it is possible to replicate this exact design. The best we have managed so far is depicted in the second…