Dashboard access issues

Hi all, I have a number of organisational dashboards set up. When I use the "only available to users on the same Smartsheet plan" publish option, I have constant access issues with colleagues not being able to open it and having to send requests, in spite of the fact that they are all in the account user list.

Am I missing something?



  • Gia Thinh
    Gia Thinh Community Champion
    edited 02/06/25

    Hi @Karen Webber

    After publishing the dashboard, you will need to copy the published URL link (screenshot below) and send it to your colleagues.

    It seems you have sent the Dashboard URL link (instead of the published URL link) to your colleagues and this lead to access requests from them.

    Gia Thinh Technology - Smartsheet Solution Partner.
    Email : thinh.huynh@giathinh.tech

  • Karen Webber
    Karen Webber ✭✭✭✭

    Gia Thinh, this is the link I share. Some colleagues are able to log in without a problem, others get stuck. They don't even get a "request access" option, just a "no access" message. All of the users are on the same plan. It doesn't make any logical sense, unless there's something to do with the user settings I'm missing.

  • Gia Thinh
    Gia Thinh Community Champion

    It's strange!

    You might want to get help from Smartsheet Support for this situation.

    Gia Thinh Technology - Smartsheet Solution Partner.
    Email : thinh.huynh@giathinh.tech