My boss recently challenged me to see if I could add some logic to our project plan smartsheet templates where if a user entered in an Assigned To column can dynamically narrow the values available in…
Since there aren't column level permissions, I tried Dynamic view, which would work great if we could utilize proofing with Dynamic View, which is not possible. I have columns a specific group of user…
We have one sheet (our project intake list with form) with a list of projects and includes project title, project manager assigned, start dates, end dates, project status, etc. that is updated often a…
Dear All, I am struggling to figure out why a dynami report I set up in Control Center doesnt pull in the files. It is stubborn to keep only 1 file, instead of the 30 I think it should. Is there a set…
I am working on trying to sum the time I spend across all my projects and want to sum different columns but only when they meet different criteria. Every formula I work through doesn't seems to work. …
I'm working on creating a form for travel document submission. They have to submit travel documents by specific trip number. I want to make the drop down list for trip numbers dependent on the divisio…
It would be absolutely incredible if you could have a form that you also map to a PDF builder which dynamically resizes the answer boxes based on the length of answer on the form. At present you have …
Hi! Lets say I have a basic formula like this in a "budget" column: =SUM([Week 1]@row:[Week 10]@row) And I also have a cell in a helper column that includes this formula: =WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()) Is there…
Hi! I'm using smartsheets to manage my business's projects and I have an automation that triggers when my PO checkbox is ticked, so that it copies the project over to a separate client sheet. Necessar…