It would be absolutely incredible if you could have a form that you also map to a PDF builder which dynamically resizes the answer boxes based on the length of answer on the form.
At present you have to make the dummy PDF and resize answer boxes to be the max possible length, else the text overflows etc. - which is not always pretty.. it would be great if they could add functionality to make this dynamic as you fill the form in..
Essentially instead of mapping a PDF, the form would generate a PDF which is to size, based on the respondents answers.
I'm checking with our in house PDF expert on this but I can say you could make a workaround by using multiple PDF maps with various sized fields and formulas that look at the length of certain fields to choose the appropriately sized PDF.
School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)
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When you have a PDF that is 32+ responses long, this becomes incredibly tedious.. you would need to check for each response.. this also would mean mapping each of the 32 PDF's, inclusive of linking with DocuSign.. not feasible, especially if one field should change! @Dan Palenchar