Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Dynamic Column Reference


Lets say I have a basic formula like this in a "budget" column:

=SUM([Week 1]@row:[Week 10]@row)

And I also have a cell in a helper column that includes this formula:


Is there a way of [Week 10] changing to [Week X] based on the number in the week number cell? I have a column for every week of the year already in place. So if the weeknumber cell reads 28 for example, I'd want the formula to give the result of this, effective, equation:

=SUM([Week 1]@row:[Week 28]@row)

The way I tried to do it was like this, but I could be going in the complete wrong direction.

=SUM(INDEX([Week 1]@row:[Week 52]@row, 1, 1):INDEX([Week 1]@row:[Week 52]@row, 1, [Current Week]2))

But it just gives an unparseable error.

Thanks in advance!


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