Dynamic scope report in Control Center not pulling the files
Dear All, I am struggling to figure out why a dynami report I set up in Control Center doesnt pull in the files. It is stubborn to keep only 1 file, instead of the 30 I think it should. Is there a setting in CC that I missed? I followed the instructions. First I created a report in a designated workspace, added it to the…
Merged: Enhance Dynamic View with Grid, Calendar, Board, Gantt, and Card Views
This discussion has been merged.
Sum cells based on multiple criteria with a timeframe requirement
I am working on trying to sum the time I spend across all my projects and want to sum different columns but only when they meet different criteria. Every formula I work through doesn't seems to work. I want to sum the Duration of Meeting IF the start date of a subject is within 5 days of the date in the green box that I…
Dynamic Dropdown List on Form
I'm working on creating a form for travel document submission. They have to submit travel documents by specific trip number. I want to make the drop down list for trip numbers dependent on the division the select. ie They select Division A, they only get a list of trip numbers for Division A. Additionally I want to limit…
Dynamic Forms (PDF Generator & Sizing)
It would be absolutely incredible if you could have a form that you also map to a PDF builder which dynamically resizes the answer boxes based on the length of answer on the form. At present you have to make the dummy PDF and resize answer boxes to be the max possible length, else the text overflows etc. - which is not…
Dynamic Column Reference
Hi! Lets say I have a basic formula like this in a "budget" column: =SUM([Week 1]@row:[Week 10]@row) And I also have a cell in a helper column that includes this formula: =WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()) Is there a way of [Week 10] changing to [Week X] based on the number in the week number cell? I have a column for every week of the…
Dynamic Formula
Hi! I'm using smartsheets to manage my business's projects and I have an automation that triggers when my PO checkbox is ticked, so that it copies the project over to a separate client sheet. Necessary so that I can keep all of my projects for Client A, B, C etc separate, for some specific calculations I need. (Mainly…