If cell is empty or blank,
Hi, I have currently formulated the following formula, =IF([Days (Difference Forecast - Baseline)]1 <= 5, "Green", IF(AND([Days (Difference Forecast - Baseline)]1 > 5, [Days (Difference Forecast - Baseline)]1 <= 10), "Amber", "Red")) which is working efficiently, but problem occurs when the cell is empty, and it show me…
Data Matrix for dashboard - cross sheet formulas
I have created extensive data matrix's to calculate # of Jobs and dollar amount for individuals in our company to track capacity. However, as our sheets get larger, the formulas wont calculate. I receive an error message reading: "Some cross-sheet formulas cant be updated, because this sheet has more cells referenced from…
Setting a sender out of the contact in the smartsheet
Hello, I am trying to use the smartsheet as a intake form to capture various requirements and make smartsheet to open tickets based on the needs to the corporate ticket system. the corporate ticket form is quite complex to navigate. the tickets are created via emails such as invoice@corporate.com etc. However I would like…
RAG Status - Formula
Hi, I have currently formulated the following formula, =IF([% Committed to Date]1 - [Project Status %]1 < 0.25, "Green", IF(AND([% Committed to Date]1 - [Project Status %]1 >= 0.25, [% Committed to Date]1 - [Project Status %]1 <= 0.75), "Amber", "Red")) which is working efficiently, but problem occurs it shows me the…
Counting total based on Status & Date
Hi, I'm trying to calculate the total value of all the won job in this financial year. I have to reference 3 columns for this (Date submitted, Value, Status) not sure how to make the formula. This is as far as I got. Please help. =SUMIFS([Tender Due]:[Tender Due], >DATE(2018, 6, 30), <DATE(2018, 6, 30), Status:Status,…
Workflow Management
How do I automate the workflow from Person A doing task 1 to Person B doing task 2 and at the same time automate the measure of turnaround time and not being overridden by collaborators? Thanks
Assign a last history of the cell into a column
Hello, I would need to track a lead time of request approval. I keep those approval status from several approvers of 2-4 people in the cells. I understand that there is a activity log report. however it still needs manual mapping to identify each approver timestamps and calculate time lag. My goal is assign a last activity…
Sage Interface
Hi I've looked through the forum and can't find anything recent on a Sage interface, last entry I can find is from 2016. Is a Sage API available or can anybody offer any advice on interfacing in to Sage? I can see something offered on this website, has anybody used this supplier?…
Number Positioning/Formatting on a dashboard
Is number positioning/formatting available on bar graphs in a dasboard?....any chart? My numbers all overlap and I can't figure out how to clean it up.
SUMIFS Help Please
Hi, I need help for a simple formula. I emailed Smartsheet support a month ago but never got an answer. I want to total how much has been spent by budget type in a given year. Example types are Gardening or Security. Debit is the $ amount, and Year is 2019 in this case. Columns are: Type, Debit and year. Can anyone please…