RAG Status - Formula
Hi, I have currently formulated the following formula, =IF([% Committed to Date]1 - [Project Status %]1 < 0.25, "Green", IF(AND([% Committed to Date]1 - [Project Status %]1 >= 0.25, [% Committed to Date]1 - [Project Status %]1 <= 0.75), "Amber", "Red")) which is working efficiently, but problem occurs it shows me the…
Counting total based on Status & Date
Hi, I'm trying to calculate the total value of all the won job in this financial year. I have to reference 3 columns for this (Date submitted, Value, Status) not sure how to make the formula. This is as far as I got. Please help. =SUMIFS([Tender Due]:[Tender Due], >DATE(2018, 6, 30), <DATE(2018, 6, 30), Status:Status,…
Workflow Management
How do I automate the workflow from Person A doing task 1 to Person B doing task 2 and at the same time automate the measure of turnaround time and not being overridden by collaborators? Thanks
Assign a last history of the cell into a column
Hello, I would need to track a lead time of request approval. I keep those approval status from several approvers of 2-4 people in the cells. I understand that there is a activity log report. however it still needs manual mapping to identify each approver timestamps and calculate time lag. My goal is assign a last activity…
Sage Interface
Hi I've looked through the forum and can't find anything recent on a Sage interface, last entry I can find is from 2016. Is a Sage API available or can anybody offer any advice on interfacing in to Sage? I can see something offered on this website, has anybody used this supplier?…
Number Positioning/Formatting on a dashboard
Is number positioning/formatting available on bar graphs in a dasboard?....any chart? My numbers all overlap and I can't figure out how to clean it up.
SUMIFS Help Please
Hi, I need help for a simple formula. I emailed Smartsheet support a month ago but never got an answer. I want to total how much has been spent by budget type in a given year. Example types are Gardening or Security. Debit is the $ amount, and Year is 2019 in this case. Columns are: Type, Debit and year. Can anyone please…
Conditional Formatting Question?
Hello! I'm very new to smartsheets and have been using them for probably 6 months and I have to create a sheet with conditional formatting where the date drives the coloring of the entire row. I've watched the video's and searched Q&A, however; I feel like my questions are specific to the work I'm doing. Is there any other…
Calculating Totals
Dear all I deal with importing goods from all over the world, and payment usually happens in multiple currencies. In smartsheet, I have a column for currency (USD/Euro etc) and the next column I have the amount. What I am looking for is a payable total in each currency, E.G. For Payable euro, the formula will look at all…
Countif Query
Hi, I currently have the following formula which is used for counting how many jobs we intend to complete on a day: =COUNTIF({Realistic Completion Date 4}, {Realistic Completion Date 4} = TODAY()) This works fine, although there is a scenario where we often add things to the job, which is identified by a letter A in the…