Conditional Formatting Question?
Hello! I'm very new to smartsheets and have been using them for probably 6 months and I have to create a sheet with conditional formatting where the date drives the coloring of the entire row. I've watched the video's and searched Q&A, however; I feel like my questions are specific to the work I'm doing. Is there any other…
Calculating Totals
Dear all I deal with importing goods from all over the world, and payment usually happens in multiple currencies. In smartsheet, I have a column for currency (USD/Euro etc) and the next column I have the amount. What I am looking for is a payable total in each currency, E.G. For Payable euro, the formula will look at all…
Countif Query
Hi, I currently have the following formula which is used for counting how many jobs we intend to complete on a day: =COUNTIF({Realistic Completion Date 4}, {Realistic Completion Date 4} = TODAY()) This works fine, although there is a scenario where we often add things to the job, which is identified by a letter A in the…
Reports with Viewers
I would like to know if there is a way that viewers of the main sheet are able to work with the Reports. I know I can share the report but it seems they are not able to change the "What" choices. If this is not an option, would it work if I lock the columns and share the worksheet? Then would a collaborator be able to run…
Auto Date Calculation
Hi Very new to SmartSheet, I am trying to create a Purchase Tracking sheet that can be used for Payment Schedule. Here is what I have " Invoice Date" This I put it manually whenever I receive an invoice from my vendor. I also have another cell "Droplist" which state payment terms like 30/60/90 days. What i need is 1) A…
Convert multiple text dates to a date field in a single cell
I have contract information entered into my sheet via Web Form. The users are allowed to enter multiple products in at once but asked to keep information pertaining to them in the same sequential order throughout the form entry. I am looking to see if it’s possible to take multiple text dates entered in a single cell and…
SUMIFS - Contains value in cell from another sheet
Hi All, I want to create a "Total Vendor Paid Amount" column on our "Main Dashboard". This column will need a formula that pulls information from another dashboard called "REO Vendor Invoicing (3)". I want the formula to sum the total invoices paid, in the "REO Vendor Invoicing (3)" dashboard, of jobs that contain a cell…
What's wrong with my RYGB formula?
Ok, I'm feeling really stumped. I have this formula for changing the color of the RYGB balls based on the number in a specific cell but it is returning an #INVALIDOPERATION on anything except zero (when the ball turns blue). Where am I messing this up? =IF([# of Days from Submission to Assignment]@row = 0, "Blue", IF([# of…
Formula with checkbox
Hi everyone, I need help for a formula. I have created an ESTIMATE sheet for my projects, but sometimes clients decide that they no longer wan't some items to be included in the estimated. Instead of putting a 0 into my quantities, because I would lose the quantities number and maybe he would change is mind and decided to…
Salesforce ServiceCloud Users/Connections
Hi Smartsheet Community, We're thinking of some use cases for helping Smartsheet users utilize Salesforce ServiceCloud data more effectively and efficiently. Any Salesforce ServiceCloud users out there who would be willing to chat with us and give us feedback on our use cases? Even if you don't use ServiceCloud but know…