include TIME in the column properties
Hi Smartsheet, Is it possible for you to add Time column property?
New Comment Format Causing Confusion
We have been using the old Discussions feature for the last 3+ years as a way of entering unrelated notes on projects rather than as a way to send messages back and forth between users. The recent transition to Comments has made all our notes look like replies to previous notes when in fact they are totally unrelated. To…
Nested IF formula using additional AND/OR logical functions
Hello everybody, I am struggling with creation of formula for defining Invoice Status Symbol (RYG). Geeting the UNPEARSEABLE error message. My formula is right now as follows: =IF(TODAY-[INVOICE DUE DATE]11>30,"Red",IF(AND(TODAY-[INVOICE DUE DATE]11>5,TODAY-[INVOICE DUE DATE]11<=30),"Yellow", IF(OR(TODAY-[INVOICE DUE…
Advanced User Training
Does anyone know if Smartsheet has ever had (or is planning) advanced user training available, similar to the Smartsheet Academy you can attend in person? or a User's Conference? It would be much easier to sit in a room with other advanced users and share ideas in person vs. on the web.
Conditional Symbols $ to $$$$$
Hi All, I went looking for the below but did not find it, so i built it. Use the below for a 1-5 symbol column like ($-$$$$$) to conditionally set the value based on a column in your list. =IF(Saving1 = MIN(Saving:Saving), "One", IF(Saving1 = MAX(Saving:Saving), "Five", IF(Saving1 = AVG(Saving:Saving), "Three", IF(Saving1…
Separating weekdays from weekends
Hi everyone, this is probably something very simple, but I still struggle, hope you can help. I have a large timesheet with one raw per day, every day of the year. The contractors will get paid higher rates on weekends, compared to work days. Initially I thought of putting an extra checkbox "weekend" column next to the…
Is there a way to create a budget template that automatically populates from a data sheet in Smartsh
Our company uses a single source data page that collects all project related information and also the financials. This page will include all completed and in progress jobs for Departments A-Z with no idents on the page (suggested but was pushed back). It would be ideal to create a report and have the new budget template…
Can Smartsheet integrate with AP software, like Lawson?
We need a solution to integrate with out accounting software.
Setting up a Point of sale Sheet
Good afternoon, I was thinking of setting up a POS/point of sale sheet on excel. I googled it and found instructions on how to do it. But the person that was nice enough to post the information wrote it assuming that everyone knows how to enter Macros etc.. Then it came to mind that I should check here. I did speak with…
Planned and Earned Value into Project
Wondering if anyone has done any formulas for either Planned Value (PV), Earned Value (EV), into their SS projects? I have all the costing,tasks, opex/capex.%Complete,dates.. in my projects and this would be my next step :)