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Is there a way to create a budget template that automatically populates from a data sheet in Smartsh

Our company uses a single source data page that collects all project related information and also the financials. This page will include all completed and in progress jobs for Departments A-Z with no idents on the page (suggested but was pushed back). It would be ideal to create a report and have the new budget template link to the report since it collects new rows added to the data sheet. Is there a way to create a sheet that updates the financials when a new row is added per column? Example: New row added for Department under Column B, cost estimate for In Progress jobs automatically updates for that department on Budget sheet.  


  • Zack S
    Zack S Employee

    Hello Yaltiana, 


    You can create a Report (http://help.smartsheet.com/customer/en/portal/articles/522214 which can be pointed at a specific sheet such as your source data page and will pull in all rows that meet a certain criteria. As new rows are added if they meet that criteria they will automatically appear in the report. 


    If you are looking to have the information automatically linked to another sheet rather than a report, currently there isn’t a way to automatically linked newly added rows. To have that dynamic capability, the report would be best. Let me know if having rows automatically cell linked is something you would like to see and I’ll be happy to add your vote for this functionality to our enhancement request list. 



  • Zack - Please also add my vote for the feature that can automatically links newly added rows to other sheet. I think it will be another possible way to create a workflow that have multiple approver. To guarantee data protection, we can't share the sheet with them, so we will create separate sheets for each approver and link only necessary columns to these sheets. And, will set up a notification to an associated approver in each sheet that will send an alert when approval condition is met.

  • Yaltiana Banegas
    edited 10/24/15

    Zack, please add my vote also. It would be great to have rows from one main data page linked to a parent row on another sheet (or report) that can refresh when rows are link automatically based on columns or filters.




  • Zack S
    Zack S Employee
    edited 10/26/15

    Hello All, 


    To confirm, I've logged votes for this feature for both Yaltiana and Dorjsuren. 


    Thank you for your input! 

  • Please add my vote, as well.  I need to utilize Smartsheet for the executive team, which has different needs than the project management team.  Thanks.

  • Hi Nicole-- I've added your vote to include this functionality within Smartsheet. In the meantime, you might consider setting up a connection between your sheets using a service called Zapier, which lets you set up "if-->then" relationships between programs. You could easily set up Zapier to automatically copy new rows entered into one sheet into another sheet. I use a couple of these Zaps regularly in my own workflow and they've been very handy!

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