Index/Collect from Descendants
In this sheet, I have a column [Groups] which is a parent column to multiple "Groups", each of which is a parent column itself to tasks associated with each group. I need help putting a formula in [Start Date] of the parent row that would give me the very 1st value from [Date] column that is a Descendant of [Groups]@row…
Too many Cell References Error
So i am making a sheet to keep track of different devices i mangage. While doing this i ended up with a lot of duplicate columns (Ex: Description column and another column named [DESCRIPTION] with the formula "=Description@row") Since getting the too many cell references error i deleted about half of the columns i had and…
Help putting data in the correct column automatically
Hello. I'm working with a worksheet where I'm trying to put a Workers management team into the correct column based on the Managers Management Level. I'm able to see the flow of an organization by using an INDEX(MATCH()) formula (=INDEX({Manager}, MATCH(Worker@row, {Worker}), 1), but how do I get the data to show up in the…
Inspection tracking template - functions
Hello, I am using the Inspection tracking template and it includes the following function: =COUNTIFS({MED1}, "No", {Date}, MONTH(@cell ) = $[Month#]@row) I would like to measure the number of violations per room, rather than per month but I am having difficulty knowing how to change the {Date}, MONTH(@cell ) =…
Help with Average Formula
Hi there - I'd like to ask for a hand to calculate an average formula. This is a cross sheet formula where I want to aggregate an average time duration by Assigned To, by quarter. (I also have instances where my time duration is zero - I think that was causing me a divide by zero error). Metrics sheet/destination: Source…
Help to create a "3 Dimensional Reference" Formula
I am trying to create a sum of the same cell in four different Metrics Sheets. I have created the following formula and I get the Unparseable error. Would appreciate help, please.
INDEX(COLLECT()) function to pull partial data
I'm using an INDEX(COLLECT()) function to pull data from cross sheet reference; however, is there a way to pull partial data from the reference cell? For example, the reference cell is "Molecular Division" but I only want to pull "Molecular" into the target cell.
Please help: Timesheet/hour tracker
I'm building a simple hour tracker and struggling with the formula. I want the formula to only produce a value when the a date (column) is = > the start of a pay period (column) and < = the end of a pay period (column). I'm combining an already working formula that takes a row total (column name is Task Total) when a…
#Divide by zero error for AVG COLLECT
My formula is giving an error. it works fine until I try to add the month. The month calculated field is a number/text field. What else could be the issue? =AVG(COLLECT({DYS to Completion}, {Application}, [Column5]@row, {Month}, =1))
V Lookup formula for importing Contact List broke and I don't know why.
So I have a reference sheet of contacts and their assignments. I made a different sheet to assign tasks as they come in and set up an equation to look up and auto assign. It looks like: =VLOOKUP([Rule Number]@row, {Committee Range}, 2, false) So when a task came in and it matched the rule, it would assign the person in the…