CountIfs and Blanks, not blanks
Hi Guys I have two columns of data that I want to summarise with a count into a specific cell where the follpowing conditions are true: The first column is NOT blank AND the second column IS Blank. Not sure if CountIf's is right for this. Any help would be appreciated! All the best Barry
Total count based on values from two columns
Hello, I'd like to check the text in one column and a check mark in the second column and then get a total count based on that. The first column is Scope which can be A or B. The second column is complete which is a checkbox that's either checked or unchecked. What I'd like the formula to do is check the Scope column. If…
How to calculate effort relative to working hours?
As a new user I'm working my way through the Smartsheet product. Thanks to the 'best answer' in this post I was able to calculate the Effort (or Energy), which is visualized by 1 to 5 people-icons; this way Duration can be set or calculated for regular project planning, but in Card View this is automatically shown by an…
Using AND and ISBLANK in nested IF statement
I am responsible for tracking my companies incoming inquires and quotes. Did we get back to everyone, quote them, did they accept or decline the quote?, etc. As part of that I sweated out the following formula, =IF(ISBLANK([Follow Up Date]98), IF((TODAY() - Created98) - 2 > 0, IF(OR([Quote Accepted]98, [Quote Rejected]98,…
Formula Syntax Help
Hello, I am creating a sheet to track calibrations for the equipment in our department. I saw the function to add months to a date from another cell https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/smartsheet-formula-syntax-help =IF((MONTH([Purchase Date]1) + 9) > 12, DATE(YEAR([Purchase Date]1) + 1, MONTH([Purchase Date]1) +…
Lead time Formula
Hello, I'm trying to figure out a formula or a way to make 2 cells work together and have the results in a third one. Here is the situation. this sheet is for procurement of items and their lead time to order. Example: in one cell we would put the date we would like the item to arrive onsite and in another cell we would…
New Client Sheet Generator?
Hello, I have a Web Form which Account Managers complete when a new client is to be added to a 3rd party tool. This data transfers to a smartsheet where an email is sent to our 3rd party tool notifying them there is a new client. This data contains the client name, address, phone, email, and POC. At this point, I am…
Formulas to calculate data received from web form
This is a screenshot of my page that I want to try and get the formulars for. The cells that are in yellow, the data in those cells will come from my staff that I have complete the web form that i have attached to this sheet. The red cells are the ones that I require the formulas for to calculate the different times that I…
If/OR formula
I can't see where I went wrong; I am trying to get two columns to calculate the number of days between two dates when one of the fields is "N/A". Here's what I have so far: =IF(OR([Initial Approval]1="",[Request for PR]1="",[Initial Approval]1="N/A",[Request for PR]1="N/A"),=(NA(),[Request for PR]1-[Initial Approval]1+1)…
Automate Value Recording
All, I am trying to setup a PMO dashboard where I am putting Total Portfolio Value graph. I have to update the graph fortnightly to record current value. Is there anyway to automate this function so that everytime I dont have to manually enter value.