Count IF Question
Hello all, just me again with another Count IF question!!! I was curious if anyone could assist with a question of mine. I am using 2 Sheets. On Sheet A I have Audience Names that I am trying to match back to another sheet and see how many different campaigns are tied to the Audiences. I currently am using a count if…
Provide list of managed references while editing / creating a formula
When writing a formula where I need to use cross sheet references, I would love to have a list of the already created references on my sheet be available when I select "Reference Another Sheet". It could just be access to the already existent "manage references" list or could be divided based on the sheet that is being…
Creating a Formula where there is multiple selections needed.
Good Morning Smartsheet Community. I have been struggling with these formulas for a few weeks now and decided to finally reach out for some help. I am trying to make 2 formulas but there is a part of the formula where I need to reference 2 options in the same drop down. I think I am tripping myself up when it is having to…
MAX COLLECT across a range
I am a bit stumped and looking for a little help. I have a forecast sheet with a form where the user has to submit their monthly forecasts for the quarters across five subject areas. I have a column for each quarter and each subject area, 20 columns is my range, Forecast worksheet: Quarters For example purposes please…
If(Contains) issue
I am trying to look at a column on one sheet and if it contains a certain value or multiple of the values that I am searching for, return a sum of value(s) from one or more specific cells that are contained in a separate sheet, otherwise return as 0 or as if nothing has happened. This is the formula I have come up with but…
extract city & state from a city, state, zip cell
I want to extract the city & state from a cell that has the city, state and zip code. The zip code may not always be 5 digits (either 90210 or 90210-1234) and the City and State may not always have a comma separating them. A formula that can extract any text left of a numeric value is what would solve this, but I cannot…
Automatic Predecessor Adjustment
Hey All! I have a question about how to have predecessors or just tasks in a schedule to automatically update when they are moved in the schedule. I am trying to create a production schedule for our Sheet Metal shop and it is created with the fabrication packages released from the Eng Dept. Sometimes the schedule needs to…
Can I use the Substitute function to remove a line-break?
Hello! I'm having success nesting the substitute function to remove multiple things from a field of text in a cell and replace them with a blank space. I would like to remove line-breaks/enter/return and replace them with a semicolon. I'd like to turn something like this: Meredith Rhodes, PhD Meredith Rhodes, PhD Into…
Extracting just the numbers from auto generated Created field
I know how to extract just the time or just the date from auto generated Created and Modified fields. I also know how to remove the : and PM/AM from the time and / from the date. All this done individually. My question - is there a simple formula to extract JUST the numbers from the auto generated field? Or can someone…
Exclude Current Row
I am working on a formula where my final piece needs to exclude the row my formula is in. My Current formula is: =MAX(0, (PARENT([FCB LAB]@row) - SUM(CHILDREN([Baseline Labor]@row))) / 45) Can someone show me how to exclude the row my formula is in when summing the children of the Baseline Labor? For further clarification:…