Formula to add days to a date
I have a dropdown column for PM Frequency (1 month, 3 month, 6 month etc...) and date columns for last PM and next PM. I want to add the appropriate number of days to last PM to generate a date for next PM based on the PM frequency. What is the best way to write a formula for this?
COUNTIF or SUMIF Formula in Report Summaries
Currently the summary count function only supports basic formulas. It would be great to be able to have the ability to use a COUNTIF or SUMIF Formula in report summaries. Specifically to count only the checked boxes. This feature would be nice to roll up metric data quickly and avoid the need to create a separate metric…
How to put a date and time together in a column?
Hello, i am fairly new to smartsheet and Formulas, i was using a Created date column in Vlookup but looks like that column is in TEXT and is not being read as a Date and time.(maybe i am wrong). i have managed to use a couple of formulas to bring out the date and time in 2 separate columns, i want to put them together now…
RYG Parent Changes with Daughter Scheduled Health Change
Dear Smartsheet Team I am trying to get Parent [Scheduled Health to reflect 'worst color' from daughter lines. The logic: if any one of Line 3 or Line 16 or Line 20 (of the [Scheduled Health] Column is Red then Line 1 is Red If any one of line 3, 16, or 20 is yellow then line 1 is yellow if all line 3, 16, 20 green then…
Join ancestors EXCEPT the top level
Hi Smartsheeters, I would like to group my milestone report by workstream, so I added a "join ancestors" column. I also have a "count ancestors" column that can be used. My current report is a nightmare when sharing, as the top ancestor is the project name, and I can't control how massive (and not wrapped) the group header…
Trying to use Time Function to calculate how many days,hours,minutes
I am using this found in the functions list: But Error says #INVALID DATA TYPE. Is that because the columns i am referencing are cross reference formulas and not text/number types? SEE BELOW FORMULA AND SHEET: =DATEONLY([Pending Tech Response Date/Time Stamp]@row) - DATEONLY([Completed Date/Time Stamp]@row) + " day(s), " +…
Average with multiple criteria
I am trying to get the average of a column named "Average working Days" while the "STATUS" = "On Hold", "In Progress" and "Not Started" and when I tried it, it gives me #Divide by zero. =AVG(COLLECT({Request Tracker with Form Range - Average}, {Request Tracker Range 3}, Category@row, {Request Tracker Range 2 - Status},…
How can I extract the date/time stamp from the Cell information to display as new column??
I do realize I can create an automation that flags a date stamp, but considering the sheet is over a year old and has a lot of data already. How can I make this information useable that is found in the cell history?
#INVALID DATA TYPE when counting column without a value
Hi guys, im trying to use CountIFs to count all projects that have a completion date by month. Not all projects are complete so there that are those that do not have an end date has the error #invalid data type". I tried using this formula, but didn't work. Could I have assistance fixing the formula? If there is an invalid…
Need help with cross sheet SUMIFS syntax
I have one sheet that is a master inventory sheet, and another with a bunch of formulas pulling data so I can build a report. I have been trying to specifically set up a formula that sums up all cells in the "Stock" column, only if it matches a specific keyword in the "Location" column. I have cross sheet references set up…