Turn Date into numeric value
I would like to follow a task and see the difference between when it was planned and actually done. To be more precise. Column "Agreed Date" is used on what date the two parties agreed to finish the task Colum "Final Date" should show what day the task was really done. This should not change based on date, but should be a…
Trouble with multiple checks using MAX/COLLECT
I have a set of data for monthly KPI's. The user may enter the same KPI with a different dollar value multiple times. Once I identify the last entry for each combo of calendar month, fiscal year and metric, I will use that data on a report to show the user the value that we'll include later down the road on another report.…
My Sumif isnt differs from my summary total. I ultimately need the open balance amount for jobs that are between 31 and 60 days. Its puzzling since the amount was correct when I use it on the 61 to 90 day range
Formula to check a box based on two conditions
I have a sheet with a client name on the sheet 1. I want to check a box on sheet 1 based on the values on the CRM sheet. If the CRM sheet has the client name on sheet 1 and the offer status column is "Accepted" on the CRM sheet, I want to check a box on sheet 1 next to the clients name. They may be listed in the CRM sheet…
Monster IF formula for date timeline
Link to the sheet: Trying to make a sheet that auto populates a timeline of dates based on two columns that have multiple options. The formula below in the Decal column works if one option is selected, but I need it to work if Bone@row changes from Sternum to one of the other drop down options and also change if the…
Is there a formula that can pull data based on row # & column name?
For example, I know that on row 732 (specifically that row) in the Primary column I will need information to appear in another cell. Linking things manually is not an option given the volume of rows, so I need a formula. Any way this can be done? Also, the information in row 732 can be moved. So in the future the data…
Help with a SUMIFS formula
Kind Smartsheet Community - I need a hand with a formula. I'm trying to add an invoice amount in another sheet if the project name matches, if the approval column is "Approved" and if the Client Invoice # is blank or if the Date of Client invoice is in the past 5 days and I'm getting an error. I'm not sure if I can put an…
Merged: Formulas in Forms
This discussion has been merged.
Formula for ranking top 3 names/nominees in a text/number column
Hello! We have a nomination form with several text/number columns where people can add the name of the person or people they want to nominate. Most columns have 1 nominee for each row, but some have multiple nominees listed from a team. I would like to create a report or summary that ranks the top 3 names mentioned in each…
Formula to check box if child rows include due date within the quarter
I am trying to create a helper column on my sheet that checks a box if the child rows have a due date within the quarter. Our quarters are based on the fiscal year July 1 to June 30. So far I have the Q1 helper column with this formula which is getting and UNPARSEABLE error =IF(CHILDREN([Due Date]:[Due Date]) MONTH([Due…