Ability to amend 'sent from' email address to personal email for "Email Shared Users"
Regular update notifications are being sent to the Shared Users of a very busy Smartsheet. As such, our client has requested any emails that require immediate attention (not just standard updates) be sent from a personal email account, not Smartsheet. Is there a way to export the Shared Users email information so it can be…
Is there a way to migrate external references?
Is there a way to migrate external references from one sheet to another from the 'Sheet Reference Manager' (Right Click Cell -- Manage References... -- Cross Sheet References)? Or would it be a manual task to create references again. Thank you.
Activity Log
Is there a way to generate a report from the activity log? What I want to do is to be able to quantify actions being taken within a time frame (i.e.: one month of time). For example, I would like to be able to track how many lines were added to our master sheet - and how many were removed. I would also like to be able to…
Sheets exiting folders overnight
Hi all! Wondering if anyone else has this problem. I have all of my sheets organized nicely in folders. Many of the sheets are shared (but not at the folder-level). Some days, I log on in the morning and everything is as I left it: Some days, I log in and some of my sheets have decided to sneak out of their folders into my…
Counting Distinct Contacts in a Contact List Column
Hello. I have a tracker and in it I am using a Contact List for "Assigned To" and I allow for that to contain multiple contacts. I am trying to count the number of distinct individuals in the column to come up with a total number of contributors to the effort we're tracking. I used: =COUNT(DISTINCT(Leads:Leads)) The result…
Auto-Number/System field Created (Date) changes back to "Date" field
I have an Auto-Number/System field called "Date Submitted" as Created (Date). This is used on the manual form (which we are phasing out) and also to capture any new rows that come in from Salesforce sync. For some crazy reason it keeps changing column properties to Date. In which case two things break: Anything that syncs…
Help to show Gantt View horizontally rather than stacked
Hi everyone. Any thoughts on how I could accomplish this (or if it's possible at all)? Thanks.
How to Limit Access to Smartsheet
I know this question likely goes against all that is Smartsheet, but... We have a sheet setup to take submissions from a form. When a new row is added, a contact in a column is notified. After the row's status is still "in progress" for 3, 6, and 9 days, the contacts get reminders that these rows are still "unresolved" and…
If all = Competent then competent, if not, then inconsistent
Hi all, I need help with a formula. People choose their skill based on a certain topic: Competent Inconsistent Expert I need a formula that looks at all the children and determines that: If 1 inconsistent, no matter what else, show as inconsistent If all competent or expert, show as competent I am guessing it can be easily…
Dynamic Views & Dashboards
Can you add a dynamic view to a dashboard for easy access?