Formula to Find Completed Tasks within One Month or Three Months
First post, pretty new to Smartsheet, need some assistance with a formula. I'm trying to Create a Sheet Summary formula to calculate the amount of Tasks completed within a month and quarter so I can represent that information as a graph in a dashboard. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Cross Sheet Referred Cells - Formula not working
I had received an email saying that the limit to cross-sheet referred cells in a sheet have been increased to 100,000. However, when I use formulas such as COUNTIF, etc with the reference range from another sheet. I still get the following message: How to fix this ?
SUMIFs with Children in a specific criteria
Hi SS Community, Hope everyone is staying safe in the current way of living. I'm looking towards you for help with what seems a fairly simple problem. I want to calculate the allocation % of a Project Manager, for projects that are "Current". The Projects are set up as children under the project manager name. Please see…
How do you extract numbers out of a cell and create a chart with the data
How do you extract numbers out of a cell that is formatted in a 12-hour clock and paste the numbers into another cell? I need the column "Time Duration" to know the difference between the "Start Time" and "End Time" and then on possible another sheet show a chart of over a period of time. I was even thinking, I could…
RYG and Gray!
Hey, I cant figure out how to add to this formula. I have this formula that someone shared from a seminar: =IF(AND([End Date]@row + 1 < TODAY(), [% Complete]5 <> 1), "Red", IF(AND([End Date]@row -2 < TODAY(), [% Complete]@row <> 1), "Yellow", "Green")) . This give me my r,y,g health in the right time frame i want. What I…
CountIFs (Time and Blanks)
We use Smartsheet to provide customers with an invoice and allow them to give us a PO. I am wanting to create a formula that will count invoice past 90, 60, 30 days that have a blank in the PO #. I am pretty sure I have FINALLY figured out the date function, but can't figure out how to "marry" it with the blank function. I…
Recreating the formula imported from excel
Hi All, I've recently posted with regards to automatic breakdown of hours based on duration and budgeted, however, no luck. I tried re-importing the file from excel with formulas and this is what I'm getting (see pic). Could you help? There is a formula used in the END DATE which is working fine (not sure if necessary to…
COUNTIFS nested formula help
I'm trying to get a count for multiple solutions but am getting the '#NESTED CRITERIA' error. =COUNTIFS({Rapid Response Delivery Tracking Range 6}, CONTAINS("Meal Replacement", @cell) + COUNTIFS({Rapid Response Delivery Tracking Range 6}, CONTAINS("Meal Replacement - 2nd Solution", @cell))) Essentially I need it to give me…
Power BI Desktop Refresh Issue
I got Power BI Desktop to load graphics into a dashboard. Only problem is that I have to login too often. Is there a way to keep the graphs always open in the dashboard?
Calendar App - Filters...why did you change the functionality...now...during a Pandemic?!?!?
Smartsheet, Before I lose my mind, here... please tell me that there is (at the very least) a way for individual users to create filters without being shared to the underlying sheet. Up until this change, our users were able to access the calendar and manually select the criteria that they wished to view via multiple,…