Approval flow status - need help
Hello, I am in the process of creating a sheet (two separate forms depending on requesting line of business). My team handles one operation while my peer handles another. I have the automation when forms for specific lines of business it will send our respective teams an update will be sent via email. I also have a hidden…
How Do I Sum Up Values from One Sheet to Another With Different Criteria?
Starting with the basic of, how do I populate from one sheet to another while adding a running total? The next layer to this is, how can I get different sub sections to specifically populate into another sheet. In my photo you'll see "Parent Node F" with a total footage in bold and a delta (Production Master). In the other…
Count IF Question - Running Count
Good Morning All, Currently have this column formula called "Count AD": =COUNTIF([Ad Name]$1:[Ad Name]@row, [Ad Name]@row) on lets say Sheet B I have the same formula on Sheet A: =COUNTIF([Creative Name]$1:[Creative Name]@row, [Creative Name]@row) Please Note: Sheet A Creative Name = Sheet B Ad Name Sheet B is generated…
Help Article updates
Hello Community, We’ve added new collections of articles, called learning tracks, to help you dig deeper into some areas of Smartsheet. Read on to learn more about some of the content that is now available to you. Learning tracks recently launched: Dynamic View Learning Track WorkApps Learning Track DataTable Learning…
Formula to look up matching columns and return populated fields
I have two Smartsheet's. The First Smartsheet contains all the original data. The Second Smartsheet will contain unique values from one of the columns (the column with a 1 in the IDUn... column). In the Second Smartsheet, I need formulas in the individual column row fields to look up and match the value in the IDUn...…
Not sure which formula I need...
I am trying to pull data from the ISIR Pull 2023-2024 sheet and make it populate the information into another range on another sheet. I want the ISIR Pull 2023-2024 sheet to match the Student ID to the Jones Scholarship sheet and pull in the FA23 HRS without having to hand-type it. (Work smarter, not harder, right?) The…
How do I prevent the cell I am highlighting from auto-deleting the text in the cell?
I keep running into an issue with my sheet where if a cell is clicked on and I do not click off it or click another cell it will just delete out the text in the cell. This happens constantly where the cell it highlights as soon as I open the sheet will just go blank. If I don't notice it and hit undo the information in…
Help with Supply Inventory & Checkout Tracker
I made an inventory tracker to keep track of our supplies, and on a separate sheet I made a tracker for requests to check-out supplies and a form for this. I want people to be able to select multiple items on the form. The issue I am running into is that I had created a formula to pull the number we have “In Stock” from…
AND/OR Function for COUNTIF Referencing another sheet
Hello, Smartsheets Gurus! I am building a formula to reference another sheet {ISIR Pulls 2023-2024, Column EX Major (Range)} with two different EX Majors within the range I'm trying to total up. The two things I am looking to identify are EX Major "BSC" and "BSD". If I just do: =COUNTIF({ISIR Pulls 2023-2024 Range 1},…
All data gone - help
Main file - Nestle Master file FY24 , i created workflow when checkbox "completed" is triggered that row will be moved to Nestle Master file - COMPLETED. When i start checkinoff boxes for "completed" My whole Master file was completely erased. When i checked activity log it says rows are moved with automatization but even…