I would like to be able to add an image or Logo of a customer to an exported sheet/report that will be presented to them in pdf format. Currently the option is not available. I can include my Company …
I am using data shuttle to update information in smartsheet from an excel csv sheet. There are 6 columns I am having it update. When I run the data shuttle workflow it updates to the new source inform…
Hello, I am new to SmartSheet and have been working on a project. Currently, the data I am working with is entered through a form by users and inputted from there into a SmartSheet. The data I am work…
Apparently this was considered "on the roadmap" in 2019, but we've seen no movement since then… The proofing capability NEEDS to be able to export a marked up proof. What is the point of having people…
Currently if you need to copy a file to multiple different locations you have to do each location individually. Would be great if you could select multiple locations at once to copy the file to.
Currently, the import function only allows importing one sheet at a time. An easy solution to accommodate workbooks with multiple sheets is to allow them to be imported as a new workspaces or folders,…
I imported a simple 4 column excel document with around 8,000 rows. The columns are Item, description, UOM and cost. I am using the item and description to write a VLOOKUP on a separate sheet. For som…
When I try to import a specific Excel sheet, the top row does not appear for me to select it for column headers. The row is a text only row and under the character limit. I even created another row at…
I have a vendor registration form that connects to Smartsheet from Google Forms using the Smartsheet Add on for Google Forms. When completing the registration form, the vendors can select up to 4 tabl…