I created a smart sheet that notifies the appropriate lead when someone is requesting access to a project. All the formulas, filters, and alerts are correct. The issue I'm having is when a form is fi…
Can someone please assist with reporting at risk line items? I have parent/child hierarchy and want to only report those parents that are over budget and only the line items under that parent that hav…
I have this formula to give me the sumif for multiple criteria I was just wondering if there is a simpler formula =SUMIF(@{Healtcare Range 3}, @cell = "Memberships", {Healtcare Range 2}) + SUMIF(@{Hea…
Hi I'm trying to count the items in the in one column if they are not equal to criteria in another column. May someone assist. This is what I have so far. =COUNTIFS({FDA Submission 2019 Range 1}, "DE …
I'm trying to use a NETDAYS function to determine how many days overdue a payment is, but I only want to display that number of days if a column named 'Status' has the value 'Client payment pending'. …
Hello - I am trying to draft a formula to sum the column 9 but only when column 3 is "John Smith" and when column 11 is not equal to "complete." I got this far, but can't figure this out: =SUMIF([Colu…
Hi Smartsheet Community, We're thinking of some use cases for helping Smartsheet users utilize Salesforce ServiceCloud data more effectively and efficiently. Any Salesforce ServiceCloud users out ther…
Is there a way for us to control/customize the format of the alerts we receive between vertical or horizontal? We prefer the vertical formatting over the horizontal as it is easier to read and the for…
I have a formula (see below) where I'm trying to get a count where multiple criteria apply. The first date range renders a correct count but fails once the second one is added. I've tried multiple ite…