How can I get Calendar view info to wrap so it can display more than 20 characters?
I want to be able to show more than the 20-25 characters limited in the display of a calendar entry. e.g., I need to be able to show an "Issue No. (10 characters) + an Impact" which can be a list of multiple things. I would not mind if it wraps around into a second row as long as it displays all the information needed by…
Unicode Text Symbols are extremely useful
Please send me an email if you would like to be added to the workspace. kriswalsh@gmail.com I love Smartsheet's native symbols and use them all the time. That being said, there are times when I wish I had more options or flexibility with them. I am sharing the following with the hope that: 1. Someone finds it useful. 2.…
How can I put a drop down menu that dynamically updates or adds another field?
How can I put a drop down menu that dynamically updates or adds another field? I am a Project Manager. In my Web Form I created a Project Name field that has a drop down list of current projects to choose from. After I select a project, I want another field to appear underneath it to give the end user another option to…
Enhancement Request: Choosing which task to display on Agenda
Hi, A great way to improve your existing features regarding Sync with Google Agenda (or even the regular Agenda view) would be to allow the user to check or uncheck the tasks he wants to be synced, and the ones he doesn't. I use a lot of titles or categories for my tasks and subtasks but most of the time they are…
Will adding Data unto Webforms be added automatically to the spreadsheet?
How do I get the data I entered on a webform to get added unto the spreadsheet I am working from? Can I do both or does it have to be either 1. use the Webform or 2. enter data unto the spreadsheet?
Deadlines on the Dasboard
We work with dozens of spreadsheets. When will the dashboard allow us to see a snapshot of all upcoming deadlines? Clicking on every spreadsheet is causing usage in the office to significantly decline.
Bulk Document Attahcment
Does anyone know of a way to attached documents to a Smartsheet programatically? I have files that are named with a tag that is also unique to a specific row in my sheet (thousands, so manual attachment is out of the question). I would like to be able to periodically attach documents based on this tag as my sheet grows and…
Setting up incoming payments.
I see so much potential for this product in my small business and I'm really excited to try and find a solution for my issue. I have have a business with approximately 650 clients. Most of my clients are on a payment schedule (some weekly, some bi weekly and some monthly). I'm trying to figure out how to keep each clients…
Any plan for Smartsheet integrations with DMS?
We currently use Autonomy iManage for our Document Management System. Do you have any plans to integrate Smartsheet with DMS? Currently, to attach a file to smartsheet without losing version control of our document, we have to perform quite a few steps to make it happen. Curious if this is on your roadmap. Thank you
User account question
We have a team license and are looking to move to an enterprise license module. I requested a call from Smartsheet using the web form and haven't heard back from anyone. Also curious to hear if others are currently using the Enterprise licensing or just adding licenses to the Team account? Thank you