Importing excel IF/And statments to Smartsheets
I use the below IF/AND statement in excel. It works fine. =IF(O4="Close","",IF(D4="","",IF(AND(M4>0,M4<=0.1),"YELLOW",IF(AND(M4<=0,M4>-0.1),"GREEN",IF(M4<-0.1,"PURPLE",IF(M4>0.1,"RED",)))))) When I import it into Smartsheets, the formula is below and doesn't work. I get #UNPARSEABLE in the cell. Does anybody know why the…
Formula to determine row number
Hello, I am wondering if there is a way to determine the row number of a specific row. I know this can be done in Excel with the row() function. This does not work in Smartsheet. The reason I am looking for it is because I have a formula that needs to apply to every row that checks the row above it, but that fails when it…
Trigger notifications based on dates previously input
Hi all, Trying to build 2 spreadsheets that need to communicate with each other at this level: One of them (first) will have the raw material code, name, supplier, last date of testing, risk rating, test required, etc. The other (second) spreadsheet will be a record of materials booked in. Will it be possible that, by…
Allocated Time % versus Duration
Can anyone tell me the correlation between Allocated Time % versus task duration? If I estimate that a task will take 2 days (16 working hours) to complete but then assign someone to it that only can work on it 50% of the time, why will the system automatically create a start and end dates that are consecutive days? Since…
Creating a Formula to track inventory
Hi All, i am trying to track inventory and alert appropriate personnel of when they should order more parts according to lead time. For the most part everything is working well. However, when parts come into the building and are added to inventory my formula still deducts anything that was sent previously. i am assuming…
Columns Automatically Unhiding With Form Submission?
Hello all, We use a form for our open order sheet. We removed an item from our product list and I want to hide this item in our open order sheet (not deleted it, incase we add a new product because I already have all the automation and reporting set to include these columns). I have NUMEROUS hidden columns in this sheet,…
E-mail notifications
Hi, I have a 'Sheet' named 'Main sheet' with forms submissions arriving all the time, within the 'Main sheet' there is a field called 'Employee Department', when populated from the form this looks up the 'Project Sponsor' from a further 'Sheet' named 'Lookup' and pulls the e-mail through to the 'Main sheet' - this all…
Allocating the % of the time can be worked during the day
I am trying to allocate the time that the employee can use for that task during the day to smartsheet. How can I for example if employee has 8 hours of work to do on one task, but he can only spend 50% of his day to this task. This means it will take him 2 days instead of 1 day since he can only work for 4 hours a day. How…
Blank Rows in Gantt - Automatically get populated by start date
In Gantt format - I leave some rows blank to separate workstreams or buckets of work. But for whatever reason - Smartsheet goes and fills just the start date automatically in these row. I delete them, and then after I save, they come back again. They are harmless, but misleading and hurt the aesthetics of the chart. How…
Variations of Forms Recently
Hello, We use the form function for all of our production orders everyday and recently, the form has been flip flopping between two different layouts. One is where there is the capability to upload multiple documents at a time and one where you cannot. Is Smartsheet doing some sort of testing or updates? Appreciate any…