How to enable Work Insights or when does it launch?
I was watching this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4tuWf3__Cw&t=506s&ab_channel=Smartsheet but I don't see the feature on my Smartsheet account yet. Is WorkInsights an additional cost or is it not launched yet? Thanks
Import Outlook Calendar into Smartsheet
I was wondering if this is possible yet, or if there have been any updates? https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/how-import-outlook-calendar-smartsheet Importing from Smartsheet into Outlook is nice, but I would love to have a 2-way possibility. I have a lot of projects going on all at once, trying to keep up with…
Time Tracking - Hours and Minutes
I was working on a way to track some task hours and minutes... came up with this: One of the problems I ran into is that if you put "00" (double-ought) or any minute with a preceding zero, it would error. You can see the work-around I made, not the most elegant, I admit.. If Smartsheet could ignore preceding zeros, it…
How do I create a report that sums totals from my sheet?
Hi, I need to create a report that sums up the totals of each quarter on a report. How do I do this? I would normally use a pivot table in Excel for this, but I'm not sure how to recreate that same functionality in Smartsheet.
Nonprofit looking for assistance expanding template set
Hello All, I'm in Operations at a nonprofit. I am hoping for assistance in building out the Template Set for Objective and Key Results (OKR) Tracker. The template set is built for 5 objective. I need it built out for 12 and I am running into difficulty connecting cells/sheets and formatting. I have a blank copy. If someone…
Outlook Integration not installing
Inside of Outlook, I have clicked "Store Add-ins", found "Smartsheet for Outlook" and clicked that. I then clicked the blue "Add" button. This then briefly changes to "Adding..." then to "Added". When I go into my Outlook email list, there is no Smartsheet icon. When I go back into "Store Add-ins" and find "Smartsheet for…
How to count children rows with multiple criteria
I have tried this many ways and can't figure it out. The column names I am working with are: "CaseRegNum", "Type of Review", and "Status". Each parent row is a different year and beneath each year are cases IDs (these are in the caseregnum column). The cases are categorized into "general" and "special" (this is the type of…
Reminder email font issue
Good morning, Since the recent changes in the layout of reminder emails, I've noticed that the font for the text box field comes through very small. On my end, it looks like it's around a 6pt Arial. Is there a way to change it to a larger font? I've included a photo for reference.
Email as form field and for copy of responses
My organization has just started using Smartsheet and I created my first form. I have a required "Email" field. I also enable the submitter the option to receive a email copy of their submission, which also requires an email. I announced the form and asked for feedback. Immediate and understandable feedback was, "Why do I…
Auto populate data and allow customers to update
Hi! I work for a membership based trade association and I'm trying to build a form that would allow me to share profile information on file with our customers (member companies) and then allow them to update outdated information. For example, I would auto populate contact information, # of employees, etc. and they would…