More specific automation details in activity log
Hi there, I've got a smartsheet with a bunch of automations that set/change cell values, based on where in the workflow that row is on and who's made what changes. I'm trying to troubleshoot why my automations work some of the time and not others. I was hoping to use the activity log on the sheet to help troubleshoot, but…
Manage Automations Screen Updates
Hi there, I'm trying to troubleshoot some workflow automations and because I have so many, it would be really helpful and make me so much more efficient if I could search through my automations by title. Right now, being able to filter by 'Active' or 'Inactive', is not useful at all. Sorting by name is only slightly…
Customizable Home Screen
Can we please have the ability to customize a home screen. The ability to show only favorites, most frequently used, most recently opened, build folders, default to the workspace view, etc, etc, etc would be extremely helpful.
Mind Map Integrations
I would LOVE the ability to integrate the use of Mind Maps in smartsheet! I currently use Ayoa as my mind mapping tool, but I think any type of Mind Mapping capability would be great. I use mind mapping in my personal life, to take notes for school and meetings, and during project planning sessions. It's a great tool for…
500-row limitation
Hello! It would be fantastic if you could either abolish or at least provide an option of getting rid of the 500-row restriction for copying and pasting!
Preserve Indentation/Structure of Rows After Removing Filters
Currently, when applying a filter in Smartsheet, indented rows stay properly hidden under their parent rows. However, after removing the filter, all the indented rows expand. For users working with large datasets and hierarchies, this behavior disrupts the organization and clarity of their sheets. It would be incredibly…
New Recurring Backup Process is Confusing
As a SmartSheet user, I'd like the option of keeping the one-click download for recurring backups. The update requires me to go through each workspace, click through menus, and download myself. As a user, this feels like worse functionality (at least far less, or even not-automated.) It used to be one-click. The term…
Intergration of Whatsapp with Smartsheet
Good morning, Our installers work a lot in the field and they use whatsapp to communicate, it would be a great feature if we could direct communicate out of SmartSheet with whatsapp. Thank you for considering Happy user
Quick filter on columns (like other spreadsheets do)
I'd like to be able to just do a quick filter on a column or more than one column without having to create a whole filter on it. For example, I'd like a quick dropdown on "Responsible" where I could check of one or a few names and it'll just show me those. Then I could do a quick filter on "Status" column and select only…
Calendar App Copy or Save as New option
I have multiple calendars that I use for dashboards. I support a program of projects - and need to individualize calendars for each project. This means in the current state, I have to start from scratch and recreate each calendar. I need the option to save calendar as new, and change the source or add new filters to…